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Bben46's FAQ, Can I use the mods on my 360? Or PS3?


Short answer, No.


Long answer. The file structures between the 360/PS3 and PC are totally different. Even if you could get a mod made for the PC into the 360/PS3 it won't work. To get it to work, you will have to rewrite the operating system of the 360/PS3 first, then rewrite every mod to work on that new operating system. Then, the maker of the 360/PS3 doesn't want you to do that. If you modify anything in it, they will block you the next time you go on their site. (read their terms and conditions) They make their money selling you new games and not by allowing you to use free mods.


Yes, there are sites that will tell you how to modify your 360 or PS3 so it can use mods. However, it is not a simple process and involves voiding your warranty, and the terms of service you agreed to when you first got the thing. - and risks turning your expensive console into a nice looking paperweight. There are currently very few working mods for Oblivion/FO3 available for the hacked consoles. And, the first time your 360 connects to the MS site - your particular box is banned forever. Even if you unhack it. (Check recent xbox news on Microsoft banning nearly a million xboxes with “No recourse” for "hacking them".)


Sony has a similar policy regarding PS3, just not quite as draconian.


You agreed to this when you signed up! Read the fine print -Paraphrased: You have the right to use it only in the way they want you to use it and if you ever try to use it in any other way than the one they give you, they have the right to shut you down. If you need a paperweight, go down to the building supply and buy a brick - it's cheaper.


My advice, start saving now for a good PC - don't get a cheap one.

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my idea is a mod that alows the bordering provinces of tamriel to be playable i have a vast brain of ideas if anyone is interested


KelsaKelso- this is a thread dedicated to suggestions, feedback, and comments in regards to the entire site as a whole.

The area that you're looking for would be a mods request section of forums for the game that this mod would be for. Such as the Morrowind, or Oblivion forums, depending on which game you're asking it for.


Edited by DarkeWolf
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I'll keep it short. There needs to be a 'gender' option in the search bar. I don't care to wade through 20 female only armors and clothing to find one male/genderless piece. Even putting in male/men doesn't filter out the females armors for obvious reasons.


Please, please, address this soon. Or if you have addressed this, do tell how to filter out the women clothing.

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I'll keep it short. There needs to be a 'gender' option in the search bar. I don't care to wade through 20 female only armors and clothing to find one male/genderless piece. Even putting in male/men doesn't filter out the females armors for obvious reasons.


The tag search is your friend.


Prior to the site update,I could download archives of my messages. However, since the update was sompleted, I see that that option is no longer there, could you please look into it?


You'll find when viewing each individual conversation that there's an "Archive Conversation" box on the left side that will send a copy directly to your email account.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Is there a way to, or can it be put into the comment section of mods.


Add a pinned comment from the modder.

like for instance

"Please make sure you read the full description/read me prior to asking questions or making comments"


I have found myself explaining to people over and over again what is already on the description page and what is in the read me. On one mod I have 2 txt documents on my desktop and I just copy and paste them into a comment (have done this about 20 times so far) telling people who have a problem with a mod that they need to follow what the description page says (100% of the time this has fixed their problem)


I realize that people will get exited about a mod and go straight to the download, but if they see a pinned comment, they might be reminded to read and it would fix the problem they were getting ready to comment about.


Thank you for any suggestions

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If they don't bother to read the existing instructions what makes you think they will read any extra added instructions? I have a set of canned answers I use for a lot of questions that are covered in documentation. I suggest you write out a RTFM (read the freakin manual) type answer and save it somewhere - then instead of writing out a new reply each time. just copy and paste. Along with a comment such as "When all else fails, read the directions." :whistling:


Throw in a little humor and a couple of smilys to take the edge off and to let the humor challenged get it. :thumbsup:

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My approach to this is to create a FAQ of the common questions on the Bethesda forum - when I get one of these questions, I post a reply quoting the FAQ number they should look at. Idea is to encourage people to take a look and saves me having to type or paste the same responses.
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I have another question, and I might be blind if it is listed on the "terms of service" :tongue:


The FOTM, is there a time limit for a second vote? or is there only one time forever to vote?


Thank you for any comments

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