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Someone posted, I hid the comment. Was little more than an angry rant that didn't serve any useful purpose.

I see. Thought it's weird somebody would bump that thread 3 months later and on christmas no less, especially if it's just a rant given that I forgot about the thread actually and don't even use that mod anymore. Thank you, sounds like the post may have bothered me. Edited by fftfan
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Set Nexus-Sites the download speed really down and allowing only Premium Members Faster and more Downloads at the same time?





say something bad about this site and they wont allow it to be posted


Edited by maubel
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Set Nexus-Sites the download speed really down and allowing only Premium Members Faster and more Downloads at the same time?





say something bad about this site and they wont allow it to be posted




Given the huge amounts of critical posts about nexus ON nexus, I'd say you should quit jet.

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ohhh look say something bad and it can't be posted


If in reference to my removal of a comment from that users topic, you might want to read up on the site regulations.


These three specifically:


Through your use of Nexus Mods you agree that you will not post any content which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, threatening, related to piracy, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of UK law. Know that in severe cases legal action can be taken against you.



No trolling

Trolling is deliberately attempting to goad people into a "flame war" by posting disparaging remarks or comments that you know will incite a negative or nasty response. See the definition at the bottom of these terms of service for a more detailed description of trolling



Do not flame or flame-bait others

Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people (examples include calling someone an "idiot" for having views different to your own or being particularly demeaning to someone who is younger than yourself).


- because those are the ones that the comment fell under. Plus the minor points that it was partially off-topic and that it was a reply to a topic not used since October, which tends to class it as a "dead" topic by usual internet standards.


TL;DR: Guy dug up old topic to post a wall of text rant, rant was removed as is procedure.

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ohhh look say something bad and it can't be posted



And if it's about your post, this one, being initially empty when I first saw it, and only now having a content after you edited it in, this was 100% a technical issue.


The site does have "bad word" filters, but they replace/censor, they don't delete/remove.

And if moderation moderates what you wrote, it will never leave behind a completely empty post either.


By design it is technically impossible to have an empty post, thus it can only have been a site bug.

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Is there anyway of appealing a Feature Restriction? In my case, uploading mods?


Usual course of conduct would be to message the moderator/admin who issued the warning and put the restrictions into place, in your case it was TVD, if I'm not mistaken.


If these talks aren't going anywhere, and you feel like you can't talk it through with them, you also have the option to contact SirSalami instead or Dark0ne himself.



Excerpts from the Terms and Policies:


Complaints against actions or staff

If you make yourself a nuisance to the staff its very likely you’ll be forcibly removed from the site. The moderation team have a right to do their job without being questioned at every corner and being told theyre doing their job wrong. If you complain publicly about moderator actions without due course (e.g. because your opinion of what is or isn't acceptable is not inline with our opinion of what is and isn't acceptable) its likely you’ll either be warned or banned depending on the manner of your complaint.


In cases where you believe a wrong decision has been made you should use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the forums to submit a report to the site owner. You must include as much evidence as possible in your report along with any original evidence, unedited. If you edit any content that has been removed from the site to make your position more favourable then you’ll be banned on the spot. We regularly retain removed files, images and comments for evidence and we will know if you’ve changed anything.


In cases where you believe you have been mistreated by staff you should use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the forums and submit a report to the site owner. You must include all logs of your conversation(s) with the member of staff, unedited (e.g. dont just pick and choose lines you feel were unfair, include ALL communication). Editing the logs or sugar picking select quotes instead of providing the entire log of the conversation will result in severe action.




If you receive a warning and you do not agree with it then you may contact the moderator who issued the warning to you in a private message. Please note, however, that if you are disrespectful and/or do not resort to pointing out why, in your interpretation of the Nexus rules, the warning was not warranted then you may receive an additional warning or restrictions that may have been imposed on your account as part of the warning may be extended for wasting the staffs time. Remember: infractions are handed out on the basis of these rules, and challenging the rules themselves will lead nowhere.


As described in the previous section, the final forum for appeal is the site owner himself (Robin Scott aka Dark0ne).

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It is allowed to upload a translated file of a mod without asking right? And if that's the case, is it allowed to upload translated files which aren't originally in Nexus? per example: the original file is in Bethesda.net

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