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I recently started a new topic and input a number of tags to help attract interested posters to it, but when I submitted the post, my topic was opened with no tags. Is there any way to edit the tags on your Topic After posting?? If not then is there some way I can close the thread and Reopen it with the Correct Tags??

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The 'XCOM Uploaded Files' page on the Forums is not sorting correctly. When the 'Recently Updated' option is selected the files are not ordered by date. Even setting the 'Custom' filter to:

"Show All Topics"

"Sort by Last Post" or by "Replies"

"Sort Direction - Descending"

"Time Frame - Show All"

and saving the filter makes no difference. The order never changes when I refresh the page.


The displayed 'latest' dates are all over the place and do not match the date of the latest reply. Given what you get when you select the entry label is the comments in descending date order, one expects the default date shown to reflect the latest reply. If it is reflecting the date the uploaded file in question was last updated, there ought to be a column label indicating that. Though it would make more sense to me to have the 'last updated' date for the file given after the 'started by' date, and the latest comment date under the name of the last commenter.



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Don't know if this has been mentioned or not (and like hell I'm trawling through 80+ pages to see if it has) but when uploading images the lack of punctuation allowed (no commas, question marks, exclamation marks etc.) has really been irking me, it's made it so that image titles that were meant to be somewhat funny lost their bite. Couldn't that be changed?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to suggest one thing.


Allowing/Not Allowing user's endorsing should be capable of being switched by the author on his mod page even after releasing it.


If an author disables endorsing and releases his mod with the setting, it's OK. There is no endorsing.

But if he updates the file, endorsing returns.

Why is endorsing enabled automatically?


I'm totally at a loss about how to change the setting of endorsement.

Edited by AltheaR
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Don't know if it's the right place to post this, but I thought of a useful new feature.

Mod linking


Let's take UNP body mod for an example. Someone makes an armor mod/texture replacer/whatever. But finding these mods among those aimed at let's say UNPB is pretty hard. So a new tab would have to be created "linked mods" or something like that (authors of those armor/whatever mods choose this mod as a parent/required/recommended mod, and it will be added to this tab in BOTH of them (this eliminates the need to have a list of required mod links in the description)).


Example #2: SkyUI - (mostly MCM) there are quite a lot of mods only for MCM that tweak little things, but finding them is pretty hard. If they were linked then it would be a hell of a lot easier to find them.


I'm really sorry if it's not the right place for this. If that is the case please delete/move this post.

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I am new to nexusmods.com.
After signing in, I was very surprised, that there already was a picture in my profile.
But not any picture. In fact, it is a picture of my in my holidays in spain.

Can somebody tell me how nexusmods.com got this picture?

best regards,


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Sorry if this is covered somewhere but I can't find anything about this ...


Does the Mod Manager have a search function? That would be really great and save me so much time if I could search for a specific mod in both the Plugins and Mods tabs.

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@Brunnir: the nexus doesn't access profile pics from anywhere. The default is blank - no picture at all. You are supposed to tell it where to find the pic you want. - My guess is something on your end put that there. I don't know what though as I have never seen this before.

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I'd like to suggest a sort of statute of limitations on the "require permission in order to use another modder's mod assets" rule. By that I mean if a mod hasn't been updated for say, a year or 2 then any modder can complete that mod or use it's assets for their own mods. I've seen so many mods that would otherwise be great left in a half finished state while their creators go off to who knows where so people can't get the permission needed to finish those mods or use the assets for theirs, and this idea would help fix that.

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