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Better Companions


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This are just few ideas into making companions better.

And wondering if there is anyways to making a few into the game without the CK Especially the first one I hate not being able to access everything in their inventory.


- Show everything on their inventory *Important*

- Set Distance ( far , close etc. )

- Unlimited companions ( having more than one companion at the same time ) *Important*

- Idle animations on wait. ( Such as sit down , warm their selves in the fire , drink mead etc. )

- Choose combat style ( long range , or close range or magic or sneak )

- Able to set specific Spot for companions to go back to and meet.

- Companions Have their own Horses that spawn when you ride yours.

- Able to set Hostility ( ex. Don not engage in combat / Engage in combat)

- Better commands (When point to a horse to have option as Steal , Ride and not just attack same with the person with the Ride )

- Companion Wheel ? ( not sure if everyone liked the companion wheel )

- Use of Shouts (Thu'um) During combat




Drop down some ideas of yourselves , i think Fallout NV had a better system in place and would like to see it even better here in Skyrim


Edit : I'll be adding as ideas as they come to me . I want this to be base for a way to better companions overall and will try to get as many ideas into this as i can.

Edited by 0utk4st
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I wondered why they haven't just made them more like in FNV at the first place. Companions in Skyrim look more like a step backwards, both in terms of what they can do and also patfinding (ever lost companion after they got stuck behing tiny pebble on the road? I did).


One thing more, would also need to make their invetory non-respawning, even if the items are removed with console, they still appear later and replace whatever you gave them.

In fact the ability to change their equipmnet would be the most important for me, as it get's old, how they swich better equipment for worse on every loading screen.

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Companions should be able to have their own companions. Then you can start setting up hierarchies of companions. Have 20 offices with groups of 5 under them

then have one commander who the officers follow.. then you have a tiny army :D


i like that a lot and the original request :thumbsup:

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