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I installed the legendary edition, and can't use mods anymore.


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I have the pirated version of skyrim for PC(NO THE STEAM ONE). I had a bunch of mods, including Sky.Ui and SKSE, which an individual icon for launching it.
I decided to dowlonad a fully craked version of the Legendary Edition. here is the link - Link removed -
Installed it, and now non of my mods appears in the data files of the launcher, at the same time I cant found the archives of the legendary edition to launch the from the nexus mod manager.

My mods from the nexus mod manager.










Archives from data files(in the real carpet I have my mods manually installed but I cant see them in the launcher)






Whe I select the data file archives and give the Ok the mod from nexus get get disabled(HearthFires was already stalled in my game whe I instal the legendary edition)



By the way, I have thre icons in my desk: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, Skyrim (SKSE), Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Legenday Edition.

with the secon I can use the mods but no the legendary, and with the 3º only the legendary edition.

I dont know what to do, maybe I have to reinstall everything again.


:confused: ¡Please help! :nuke: :pirate:


Banned - TVD.

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