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Toolset Noob needs help: adding downloaded items to existing vendors


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So, the long and the short of it is that I've downloaded some weapon and armor sets but I don't want to use the console to gift them to myself because that feels like cheating. I figured that with the power of the DA toolset, I should be able to add the items to the vendor of my choice, but that has turned out to be considerably more difficult than I imagined. I've done as much reading around as I can and have learned a decent amount, but still can't figure out how to do what I want, so I turn to you mod-masters and your infinite wisdom.


The items I'm using are the Devilthorn Armor set, Kirkwall Exports, and the Underworld Armory. I would like to add these wares to the traveling merchant Old Tegrin. If someone could provide step by step instructions on how to do so, I'd be eternally grateful.


Thanks in advance.

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  • 7 months later...

Not step by step instruction but little help:


You need scripts to add items to your inventory:

1. You can use existing scripts (from mods) that will add item to your inventory for free

2. You can make new scripts that will take some gold from you and give you the item

3. You can create a script that will add that item to merchant for you to buy it.


When you have script you need to run it somehow (and you don't want to use console). You can run 1 or 2 if you edit conversation with Tegrin and add a line that will run a script.

For 3 you will need script to start as soon as you enter area i believe (i need to learn more about this myself).

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