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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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I'm looking for a mod that changes the constellation graphics on the perk trees - not the perks, just the background star constellations. I can't seem to find anything, but I remember several...

Skill Interface Retexture by Tko007 maybe? it change the perk but, it's adding stars also.




Im looking for a DPS combat mod. I dont want to change any AI or adding any scripted mod, just a mod where i could have NPCs/PC doing highter damages, my goal being that boths party dies in 2-3 shots max.


I have tried Deadly combat but its adding much script, also tried Combat Damage Multiplier but its increasing PC's DPS way to much compared to NPC (cant be 1shoting things at lvl 1 with a plain sword).


Other combat mods i will be using are Enemy AI - revenge of enemy and enhanced mighty dragon, none of them using script but hoping to be compatible with a damage mod.

Edited by SoloveyIS
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I'm looking for a mod that changes the constellation graphics on the perk trees - not the perks, just the background star constellations. I can't seem to find anything, but I remember several...

Skill Interface Retexture by Tko007 maybe? it change the perk but, it's adding stars also.




Im looking for a DPS combat mod. I dont want to change any AI or adding any scripted mod, just a mod where i could have NPCs/PC doing highter damages, my goal being that boths party dies in 2-3 shots max.


I have tried Deadly combat but its adding much script, also tried Combat Damage Multiplier but its increasing PC's DPS way to much compared to NPC (cant be 1shoting things at lvl 1 with a plain sword).


Other combat mods i will be using are Enemy AI - revenge of enemy and enhanced mighty dragon, none of them using script but hoping to be compatible with a damage mod.


I am not sure if it's what your wanting, because I believe it uses scripts, but Locational Damage is probably the single best mod to 'speed up' combat, without actually editing the enemies, their AI, their damage, or their health (so it is highly compatible with other mods, including other combat/damage/armor/weapon mods. I use it with requiem, which is infamous for being incompatible with EVERYTHING. lol

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Hello! I know it might sound silly but, is there any mods than can let us write in the game? Let's say write in a book? The Journal is ok for the quest, but if for example I'm too tired IRL to continue playing but want to do some specific stuff when I return, it would be nice to grab a book and write some stuff down...Having a piece of paper on the side or going in a word doc kind of break the mood of the game.

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Hi I'm looking for mod which:

1. help to spot a gatherable supplies by colorizing them or someting in this type.

2. adjusts the first person camera to be at proper height for Skyrim Redone because "1st person camera height change by Sevroth" is no longer at nexus.

Edited by lordtorus
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Hey people, does anybody know what armour this is?




it looks like a retex of the silverlight armor. i'll go look for it.


edit: this is the original, not the retex. though i'm sure you'll need it. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10251//?


here we are, the retexed version. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15329//?

Edited by musegravemind
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