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I remeber i had a mod that rextetures the mages robes. (adept robes, novice robes, and so on).

it gave it better textures and sometimes some drawing on them (lines and so on...).

Can someone find for me please?



Are you talking about Elaborate Textiles?

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Does anyone know of a mod that completely removes all Location markers from your world map?


I'm going for a more "immersive" feel for my map, and I don't want any of the locations revealed.


(Note - I am NOT referring to QUEST markers or to my compass. When I open my map, I want to see the graphic of the map *only*, and none of the selectable locations I have visited.)


If no mod exists, would anyone know of a command line or something in the .ini which would do this?



Quote from Wiki

tmm <nn>(,<nn>,<nn>) Show/hide all map markers <nn> should be 1 to show all markers, or 0 to hide all markers. Hiding markers hides ALL markers - including the city markers that are automatically visible at the beginning of the game. When adding markers, the 2nd parameter determines if the ones you add are set as discovered (1, default) or not (0), and the 3rd is all (1) or all but hidden (0,default) (e.g., to add all undiscovered markers without fast travel, enter tmm 1,0,0).


Also I would highly recommend to do some digging and have a look and the Less Intrusive HUD II by Crashnburn in combination with the Immersive HUD - iHUD by Gopher if you are immersion freak like me :P


This worked nicely, at first. By simply consoling "tmm 0,0,0", it removed all map markers from my world map, which is precisely what I wanted: A "realistic" world map where you don't have a little electronic tracker thing like Google Map or something. (This is Skyrim, not New York in 2013.)


However, every time I "discover" a new location, it will keep adding it to my map, thus forcing me to re-open the console and clear it again, which is rather annoying and immersion-breaking...


Is there a way to "tell" my game to stop tracking entirely?


Thanks again for any help!

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I remeber i had a mod that rextetures the mages robes. (adept robes, novice robes, and so on).

it gave it better textures and sometimes some drawing on them (lines and so on...).

Can someone find for me please?



Are you talking about Elaborate Textiles?

yes thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Does anyone know of a mod that completely removes all Location markers from your world map?


I'm going for a more "immersive" feel for my map, and I don't want any of the locations revealed.


(Note - I am NOT referring to QUEST markers or to my compass. When I open my map, I want to see the graphic of the map *only*, and none of the selectable locations I have visited.)


If no mod exists, would anyone know of a command line or something in the .ini which would do this?



Quote from Wiki

tmm <nn>(,<nn>,<nn>) Show/hide all map markers <nn> should be 1 to show all markers, or 0 to hide all markers. Hiding markers hides ALL markers - including the city markers that are automatically visible at the beginning of the game. When adding markers, the 2nd parameter determines if the ones you add are set as discovered (1, default) or not (0), and the 3rd is all (1) or all but hidden (0,default) (e.g., to add all undiscovered markers without fast travel, enter tmm 1,0,0).


Also I would highly recommend to do some digging and have a look and the Less Intrusive HUD II by Crashnburn in combination with the Immersive HUD - iHUD by Gopher if you are immersion freak like me :P


This worked nicely, at first. By simply consoling "tmm 0,0,0", it removed all map markers from my world map, which is precisely what I wanted: A "realistic" world map where you don't have a little electronic tracker thing like Google Map or something. (This is Skyrim, not New York in 2013.)


However, every time I "discover" a new location, it will keep adding it to my map, thus forcing me to re-open the console and clear it again, which is rather annoying and immersion-breaking...


Is there a way to "tell" my game to stop tracking entirely?


Thanks again for any help!



Hmmm. Never came across a question like this hehe sooooo. From Detective point of view a mods like that doesn't exist. From moders point of view there is a way how to change the distance you have to be from the marker before it registers a new location found. If you change the value on the distance it can have desired effect, but I am not sure what it will do to quests like "Go to place X" and when you get there and when you show up at place X your quest log gets updated. If you know what I mean. The mod you are looking for is Compass Marker Range by Xrande open Tes5Edit load only that plugin and change the values to 10 and 20. Test what will happen.

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Im looking for a Mod that adds Solstheim Furniture within the Windhelm Lower Districts so the Dark Elves feel more at home


Im looking for a Mod that Removes All Gems and Jewelery and Gold from Animals and Creatures


Im looking for a Mod that when we Block with our Sword or Shield, it Reduces our Stamina instead of our Health.

Edited by daventry
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I am trying to find a mod that I have lost track of on the nexus. It was a retexture of the guildmaster armor of the thieves guild. It retextured the armor to be deep black and the straps on the belt and bandoleer were red.

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Two-handed swords that are not carried on the back - This game does not aspire to realism in any way and there is only so much one can do to change the mechanics on which it is based. There are 2 feasable ways of achieving this that I can think of at this time. 1st involves making ALL 2h weapons being carried on the waist/hip; considering how oversized most of them are, this is not a good overall solution. 2nd has to do with adding scripts that dynamically change the sword from 2h to 1h and vice versa depending on what you are doing with it.



I like what this mod is trying to do, but it seems it hasn't been updated in quite a while.


Does anyone know if anyone has done somethnig similar? Or maybe made a mod that repalces 1 hand with 2 hand animations?

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I can't find this mod but if it doesn't exist I'd be extremely surprised so I'm assuming for now that I just can't find it.


I'm using AFT and keeping a lot of the followers I'm not using in Lakeview Manor so I've got about six people hanging around there with nowhere to sleep. Is there a mod that adds extra bedrooms to the Hearthfire houses for all your followers to live in? Maybe as a separate wing, an additional east/west/north wing or similar?

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So, I'm wondering if there is a mod that put's various people, such as shop keeps, on a regular sleep cycle? Yeah, I'm a thief lol It get's awkward breaking into a building at 3 in the morning and finding that they're all still awake o.O

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