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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Hey guys do you perhaps know off a mod that makes your companions less.....zombie-fied and what i mean by that is the silent treatment i mean in one month(game time) all my companion said to me is "Watch out its an dwemer ruin it will be filled with all kinds of traps" and thats it never heard from her again unless i speak to her i mean i LOVE IT when my companions make rude/funny/racial whatever comments while traveling with me like for example bullet storm they comment on everything including blowing a guys head of and dragon age also i was just wondering if theres a mod out there that makes companions a bit more social tnx.
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I've got two questions as I'm not entirely sure this is or isn't in the game, I'll start off with a bit of background stuff though. I could've sworn as I was eagerly awaiting the Skyrim release that I read somewhere that you can actually join the guards / be a guard / be recruited or employed as a guard in this game. Now I'm definitely FAR away from exploring everywhere in Skyrim and doing all of the non-radiant quests, but I haven't read a single thing about being a guard in any forum, so I assume it's not there, however...


1) In Skyrim, is there a questline that allows you to be a guard?


2) If not, is there a mod for Skyrim that will allow you to be a guard?


Whenever I'd search for such a mod, all I'd find were mods that either changed textures of the guards, or differentiated the guards voices + overall physique.

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Does anybody know which face mod/s was used here? More specifically, what eyes, mouth and face mesh? I've searched, but haven't found anything. Is it a separate race? Would be perfect if it turns out to be a single mod ^^



It is quite difficult to see from the picture

Try these and hopefully you'll get the look you are looking for :)







I tried these, but none seem to fit the description. Might anyone else have some idea on what mod/s were used? Thanks

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I am searching for a mod that makes time pass in blacksmith/cooking menu so if I smith like 100 dagger, a few hours would have pass in game time, I heard somewhere that it exists but couldnt find it, any help appreciated, thanks.
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