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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Hi im looking for a sword mod its used in the pictures for the mods overlord armor and viking chainmail armor (hothtrooper44) i've asked the mod makers on both mods what this sword was called and only the maker of overlord armor replyed saying she didnt make the pictures for the mod so she didnt know what it was. hothtrooper44 is bissy i guess so hes never told anyone.


please help ive been looking for this mod for ages

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Not sure if it exists or not, but is there a mod out there to help with placing objects? The in game press and hold then smash into objects until it lines up is way to clunky for me. I keep accidentally taking decorations off tables in my home, and want to put them back easily, or to even place new items without so much issue. Any thoughts?
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@ Conditioned

I'm not quite sure if I understand you right...

With categorized favorites menu you can determine several sets of equipment and give them hotkeys.




Apart of that this mod is a total essential! Really nice, especially after figuring out how to customize it by your own need. but the default setting works fine too for starters. And it's actually very easy to define an eguipment set. here is a guide for customize the fav menu with this mod:



I actually have some problems with the equip sets. still can't figure out why....


Seems to work for others though...

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One question, in this mods what u giving me (dark caves) Id like to have game where I MUST use torch at nights, not only in caves, but everywhere outside town. Is this any mod like that?


I chosed http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20570 this and http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17802 this one. I am already using some high weight mods, so I hope my game wont be messy.

Here are all of my mods






Hi there,

Couple of things You should do before continuing, Follow a guide how to use Beth Official HD pack with combination of Cutom made textures :)




How to use the new Official Hi-Res texture pack with user created mods:


1. Disable or delete the esps that came with the official texture pack.

HighResTexturePack01 & 02


2. Backup then open



DocumentsMy GamesSkyrimSkyrim.ini


3. Change this in both files:


sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa


To this:


sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa


4. Save both files.


Now user created mods will be able to override what they need to override in the official texture pack.


As long as the new bsas are later in the list in the ini, then they'll override the vanilla ones that come with the game. Sadly the HD pack doesn't replace all the textures in the game, so if you renamed and removed the original Textures.bsa you'd end up with a large percentage of your game without textures.


My method = User created mods > Official HD Tex Pack > Vanilla Texs


No need to cherry pick because the user created mods will override the HD Tex pack just as if it were the original Textures.bsa


If the [Archive] isn't there in the first place you shouldn't need to add it. As long as the Skyrim_default.ini one is done it should work fine. If it doesn't, copy paste the whole [Archive] section into the Skyrim.ini




Also make sure to properly set up you Brightness for your monitor. Project reality the default version will make your nice pitch black. Have Fun :)

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Im sorry i started a post here: http://forums.nexusm...61#entry5952761


Because i could't find this,well i want to know where i can found this mod:




Its look like a ninja armor,i asked the owner of the image,he never reply me u.u




Sorry pal I don't know that one. I haven't seen it here on nexus. D13

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Im looking for a Mod that doesent give me Bounties from Farm Animals after i kill them so People or Guards dont attack me.


Im looking for a Mod that makes me stop absorbing Dragon Souls after i have all the words, i dont mind Dragon Encounters, i just want to stop absorbing souls.


Does not exist. You can use the mod to convert dragon souls to perks :)

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Hi im looking for a sword mod its used in the pictures for the mods overlord armor and viking chainmail armor (hothtrooper44) i've asked the mod makers on both mods what this sword was called and only the maker of overlord armor replyed saying she didnt make the pictures for the mod so she didnt know what it was. hothtrooper44 is bissy i guess so hes never told anyone.


please help ive been looking for this mod for ages



Can you post the best picture you can find of the sword pls.

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