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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Does anyone know where to find good player home mods that are updated and working properly? All of the reasonably lore friendly popular ones on Nexus haven't been updated in ages, and one in particular that I tried caused a crap ton of major problems in my game (I wasn't impressed).
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Is there an up to date mod that requires me to BUY more horses for my follower(s) to ride and lets me assign which one they ride? Convenient horses is very clean, but everything is free and that does not mesh well with my hardcore run.

The "Amazing Follower Tweaks by Dheuster" mod (please excuse the name, it wasn't me) accounts for that but it does a hell of a lot more so it may be overkill for what your looking for, essentially you can set followers to ride horses but they will only ride horses you have purchased among many other functions.

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Pretty please, can anyone tell me if they know where to find Khajiit and Argonian textures for the Better Males and UNP body replacers? I swear I've seen pics of people who appear to have these, but I can't find any anywhere. I don't play them usually, but I really hate seeing all these ugly body seams on the cats and reptiles in my game where the vanilla textures don't match up. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif


Does anyone recognize the face textures being used on the right image?



Edited by Lehcar
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Hey folks,


I'm not sure if this actually exists, but I figured i'd ask here before I try to make it.


Is there a mod that abstracts away the follower inventory? Essentially, what I want is a way around having to spend so much time trading with my follower . The way I imagine it could work is that when you have a follower, your inventory capacity is increased by the amount they have remaining.


If not, then does this seem like something doable?

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I tried AFT, but the interface is SOOOOOOOOOOOO slow I couldn't deal with it. With EFF I can access my followers inventory in 2 seconds. With AFT it takes nearly 10.


Also, I couldn't find a way to make them ride horses. Simply buying a second horse didn't let them ride them because they were player horses. AFT and EFF on their own don't let followers "own" or be assigned horses.


Better horses for followers used to be the way to go about it, but it hasn't been updated in nearly a year and does not play nice with the current game version. It also requires the authors follower mod, which does not work well (if at all) with UFO/EFF/AFT.


EDIT: It looks like UFO may do this on it's own. I'm checking now. I;d REALLY rather use EFF due to its speed/stability/lack of conflicts/simplicity but If I have to use EFF I will.

Edited by Prophesor
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I'm looking for clear savegame with completed Companions questline.

I found one but it had also Thieves Guild and Imperial questlines which I didn't want to do with this character... I just don't want to complete Companions guild for over 9000th time.

Edited by trollberserker
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