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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Is there a mod that gives Mirmulnir a voice actor?


In not a single playthrough have I ever noticed Mirmulnir actually talking outside of dragon roars, but in my most recent game, suddenly he has a voice actor. I tried looking through my mod list, but I just can't find anything that might add this.

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I'm looking for a mod that allows you to purchase the houses in hearthfire without doing the quests for the jarls (bandit/giant slaying), because I'd like to play a peaceful character that focuses on house building.


Or if there' s a mod that let's you buy the houses in vanilla skyrim without quests, etc... for example breezehome and having to do the MQ stuff in order to purchase it.



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A while back I had a mod on my nexus launcher that did the following :


It allowed for each of the various factions to equip hoods randomly. I don't know how else to explain this other then the fact I remember the guards in my cities sometimes walking around with a hood for a head slot. I've looked everywhere and tried a lot of different mods to try to get this to work but for some reason my guards refuse to change their helmets. Someone want to help me out here and figure out which one it is?

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Hi, i'm VERY interested in this mod, i dont know if it is a face texture, a head morph or an entire new race, but i absolutely love it








thanks in advance =)

Edited by DraculaMetal
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Is there a mod that gives Mirmulnir a voice actor?


Unofficial Skyrim Patch adds the voice actor to Mirmulnir, and while it's somewhat appreciated it could definitely take some toning down in terms of it's volume, and probably some sharpening up to sound so that it fits a little better with the game. Unfortunately I don't actually know where the voice files are in order to edit them myself, so I would appreciate anyone who wants to point me in the correct direction.

Edited by sojourner22
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Is there a mod that gives Mirmulnir a voice actor?


Unofficial Skyrim Patch adds the voice actor to Mirmulnir, and while it's somewhat appreciated it could definitely take some toning down in terms of it's volume, and probably some sharpening up to sound so that it fits a little better with the game. Unfortunately I don't actually know where the voice files are in order to edit them myself, so I would appreciate anyone who wants to point me in the correct direction.

Personally, I'd like them to be removed again. The voice sounds kinda terrible, like it wasn't done to the professional level that the other voice acting was done, and yes, a bit too loud.

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I'm looking for a mod that fixes the sound for magic effects continually playing on NPCs long after the effect has worn off.


For example, NPC casts Oakflesh, spell wears off, but audio for Oakflesh keeps playing.


This is also evident when NPCs unequip spells, like Spark. The sound keeps playing when Spark is unequipped.


Any ideas? I thought I saw one, but I can't think of the keywords to use, as I've tried "magic", "spell", and "sound", and also searched the Bugfix, Sounds, and Magic categories.


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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