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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Hi, new to the forum and modding (it's awesome).


I've been looking around for a Mod that allows you to use the werewolf spells without needing to be in beast form (or be a werewolf at all).


The specific spell I am trying to use in human form is - Howl of the Pack. - (summons three awesome red wolves to fight at your side)


I was unable to add the spell via console, but did find it after unlocking all the spells with the psb command.

But the weird thing is, the spell is a 'shout' and I need to use a dragon soul to unlock it.

But if I try to unlock it, the game crashes.


Any ideas? Or has somebody already solved/modded this?


Thanks :)

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  On 1/29/2013 at 12:18 AM, nnnngod said:

Is there a mod or console command that can change the classification of armor?

For examples, I want to use the imperial heavy armor as a light armor.


Very easy to do yourself I am going to describe transferring elven armor from light to heavy.

Install Creation Kit (furter I will be using shortcut "CK")from steam. Open steam, go to library in search choose tools find CK and install

Launch CK

Go File - Data. Click on Skyrim.esm and push the "Set as active" and click OK

Wait for the program to launch.

You will get couple of warnings, just ignore them click "yes to all"

In the object window type in the name of the armor into the filter. In my case elven

Under the filter you can see some options like Actors,Audio etc, Expand Items, them expand Armor, then go to Elven

On the right side you can see all the elven armors in the original Skyrim game.

Double click on each of them and you will be able to see the attributes of each of the items.

You can change here what ever you want :) Armor type is next to weight. Armor rating is how strong is your armor etc. Click OK when you are done. You will see that every item you have changed has a little star next to its count. Those are the files that will be affected by your mod.

Once you have changed the values on all the armors you wanted to change click to save button.

Now give your mod a name and you are done :) For example ElvenTest001

Should you like to edit your mod, open CK go to File - Data, find the ElvenTest001.esp in the Plugin/Masterfiles it should be at the very bottom of your mods. Select it, click set as active and OK. From here you know what to do :) Good Luck!!! You are a modder now ;)

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  On 1/27/2013 at 10:59 AM, Badmagic said:

Sure I saw this somewhere before but cant find it now, mod to stop reanimated dead becoming ash piles on zoning or when the timer runs out. I think I understand the reasoning behind it but from a necromancer RP perspective its an added pain in the ass being forced to use other means to harvest a bodyguard at every load screen not to mention I don't trust any of the ash pile supposed fixes to do what they say they do from official or unofficial sources.


From what I remember the mod I saw previously let the body fall down re-dead and you could simple reanimate them again.


Anyone familiar with the mod that does that?

I think you want the

Possessive Corpses no more lazy zombies and shy nirnroots by Amgepo



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Hi, this is my first time posting in this forum. CHSBHC is one of my favorite body mods along with Manga Thicker thighs for Oblivion. Then I ran into these. Anyone know what body mod this is. If they know the face/race/ and hair mods that would be awesome :thumbsup: But the body mod is the most important.




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UPDATE :laugh:


I FOUND IT!!!! It turns out this was CBBE all along. The thing is that the user used BodySlide to modify the proportions. For those of you that don't know BodySlide is a tool that now comes with CBBE that allows the user to adjust the proportions of the body to anything they desire. It's the ultimate body mod really.

Edited by Nerodante87
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Hello, I have started to play Skyrim with Frostfall, Basic Needs, and some other Immersion Mods. Now i want to disable the fast traveling and the waiting outside, but if i do this, i dont know the time.

Now im looking for a Mod which tells me the time, e.g the "Look Around" Part in http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26452 but i dont want to use the other features, so i cant use this mod. Is there something similar to this?

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