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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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You need a mod for that? Just don't open the map...




...its all about self discipline, which I don't have. If i know I can open the map, I probably will at some point.


So, problem not yet solved. Please help me: How can I completely disable the map?

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You need a mod for that? Just don't open the map...




...its all about self discipline, which I don't have. If i know I can open the map, I probably will at some point.


So, problem not yet solved. Please help me: How can I completely disable the map?


There is this mod. I don't think it disables the current map, but you can place it on a really off key like + on the number pad so it is way out of the way.




Edited by Silentone89
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Any mod that makes the combat completely (or 95%) like Dark Souls? I've seen mods that allow you to have some basics like from DS that weren't present in Skyrim, like dodging. But currently it feels insufficient and still doesn't seem to scratch the surface of what made DS good.


I realize a lot of what I am about to state may not be possible given that the engine for Skyrim was not made with it in mind but please, PLEASE, PLEASE get as much of it as you can. I love Skyrim for it's lore and world but I simply want to add more spice to the combat. And when I say more, I mean MUCH MORE. DS's combat is just so much more fun!




Things like super accurate hitboxes, accurate animations that flow seamlessly and realistically and that too not from just an aesthetic perspective but also gameplay as in you can actually look at an enemy and predict when they are attacking and properly block/dodge and it's not like a bandit with a dagger is all of a sudden just able to relentlessly slash at you with you blocking only after takign a good 3-4 hits. Same with bears and other similar enemies able to barrage you nonsensically, with regards to that matter. The hitboxes and animations should also give a better indication of exactly when I will actually get hit instead of getting hit at a different time than according to the enemies attack.


Blocking and stamina should work like they do in DS, accurate damage; for example, at high levels, fighting big monsters like trolls and bears is still difficult but their attacks don't nearly take out as much from you and do not end up in insta kill if they hit you directly. But for huge enemies like mammoths, giants and dragons the only way to avoid damage is to dodge instead of blocking even if they would not kill you in one hit. Think ceaseless discharge or the undead dragon from DS, seeing as a puny man shouldn't be able to block a crushing stomp from what may for all intents and purposes may as well be a large pillar falling over him. For those that don't know about blocking and stamina in DS but still want to help out, blocking basically depletes stamina only (unless its a puny cookie cutter shield in which case it doesn't provide complete physical protection) and the amount depends on how hard that enemies attack hits and how large, strong and/or sturdy your shield is. There are some exceptions, for example no shield completely mitigates non-physical damage types even if said magic blast or fireball was perfectly blocked.


Stamina regenerates nearly instantly but nearly every combat action dealt against you or the enemy takes a large amount of stamina. For example, you can only perform 2-3 hits at best with most larger weapons (4-5 with small swords, 7+ with only small weapons like daggers) and only block ~7 hits from even most basic enemies even with the strongest shields. Also, there is a noticeable lag in regeneration if you are highly encumbered and/or wear the strongest and heaviest armors which also adds a malus to stamina regeneration.


If it is also possible, do you think dodging could be changed from a tiny sidestep/backstep to a rollout/cartwhell/flip at lower encumberance levels that covers more distance, like in DS?


Finally, kill moves should be similar to backstabs, parries and ripostes for both you and other humanoid enemies and should work regardless of damage done. For example, kill moves shouldn't be active but if you manage to get someone from behind (or they you) even outside of sneak mode, it should be an insta kill (preferably with the kill move animation). Also if you or someone else successfully manages to bash and stagger you or the other way around, the stagger window should also allow for kill move activation. Only the strongest of the strong should be able to survive after such a blow or kill moves from creatures such as dragons (if there is some way or some condition that allows kill moves to not be insta kill under certain circumstances).


I think this would make the combat much more intense and breathtaking. You would definitely be compelled to not be some sort of rambo/Duke Nukem after going on a crazy training montage (READ: power levelling) and actually play smart like trying to not take on multiple enemies at once and actually finding strategically more defensible positions against certain enemies and be more considerate towards the way you enact combat and strategies you take. If nothing else, it wouldn't feel cheap dying at the hands of some random dude who just popped out of nowhere and killed you with a wooden stick just because they have a high skill in one handed and a perk that increases their damage to 9001%.


If you would, please allow me to veer off on a bit of a tangent here. Do any of you think it might be possible to make kill moves INTERACTIVE? I really could not ever fathom how slow or stupid everyone is and get's killed by the warhammer kill move. It's so damn slow. Even the slowest dudes should be at least able to get out of the way with only a broken arm. I mean if you're that slow, obviously, you shouldn't be out looting, pillaging or hunting dragons.


Is there not someway to add a timed dodge/counterattack during every kill move that allows one to save their half dead ass if the dodge key or attack key is pressed at the proper time? It would add another dimension to that flashy kill moves other than "Oh gee lookee, x can do super high damage and therefore he just cuts everyone down quickly and stylishly without having to worry about them being shived by their adversaries concealed pingas that they don't notice while they wind their up their super slow ass sledgehammer."


Sorry if bored somebody but I really hope some of you take out the time read through carefully and give me a serious and well though out and informative answer.

Edited by sgman1
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Any mod that makes the combat completely (or 95%) like Dark Souls?


Just play darksouls? I personally really dislike that game, and any other game that doesn't understand the deference between "challenging" and "stupidly hard".

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Hi. Simple wish: completely disable use of game map.


Any ideas?


Apologies if asked before.

It doesn't disable the map, but it disables your curser on the map, making it a much more realistic map, it also gives it a realistic map texture. Just makes sure it is as t the VERY bottom of your load order or it wont work right, even put it beneath your SkyProc and Bashed patches



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Hi. Simple wish: completely disable use of game map.


Any ideas?


Apologies if asked before.

It doesn't disable the map, but it disables your curser on the map, making it a much more realistic map, it also gives it a realistic map texture. Just makes sure it is as t the VERY bottom of your load order or it wont work right, even put it beneath your SkyProc and Bashed patches




Thanks, I will look at it. Still hoping to completely disable the map. I'm also disabling all markers and compass and will just navigate using natural landmarks and even better quest objectives. The mere fact of seeing the map and then being tempted to push "current location" (even if invisible marker) is a compromise.


I honestly think this can add a new experience of realism (...combined with my usual selectoin of ridiculously hardcore mods of course!).


But cheers for the ideas...keep em coming :cool:

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All right here's another one for ya. I had a wonderful music overhaul mod on...the best one on the site...the modder got banned or maybe they hid the mod I forget. It was called Ambience Music Overhaul. Is there a mod that even comes close to being as epic sounding as that one was?


I'm trying to find the exact mod...but if I can't...I want something just like it.

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All right here's another one for ya. I had a wonderful music overhaul mod on...the best one on the site...the modder got banned or maybe they hid the mod I forget. It was called Ambience Music Overhaul. Is there a mod that even comes close to being as epic sounding as that one was?


I'm trying to find the exact mod...but if I can't...I want something just like it.

I personally use Psyrim, it's very different, but it's surprising how well it fits in with the fantasy feel of skyrim! I would never play with it now!



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Oh that one...not a fan of it.


I found fantasy music overhaul to be ok sounding...I'll live with it.


Another one to find since I forget the name and i'm not going through 61 pages of mods looking for it.


It was an armor pack, it had armors imported from some RPG and had some semi skimpy armors for males oddly enough. I don't know more then that.

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