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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Also silent arrows, and loot reduction (particularly less big items like armors, even better if it makes bandits more suitible poorly geared etc).

Coincidentally I just released my loot balancing mod, Scarcity. It has adjustable values for loot reduction.




Actually bumped into this while looking a bit more, certainly seems like the best I've seen so far (morrowloot creating a set path and for me just goes a bit far/serious, though having orcs in orcish gear and only dwemer stuff in the ruins is nice).


Still maybe you can answer since it's something you've poked around with, would it be possible to remove a large number of the lootable containers from the game or would such a mod be just too large? My "reasoning" is that I find it odd all the treasures particularly bandit ones are spread out so much in about 100 containers a dungeon, in some ways some containers should contain more, at least of certain items, but overall be far less frequent to find, so no more leaving a poverty stricken bandit chief with full nordic carved gear and thousands of gold worth of stuff spread though out the cave. Guessing it'd be a separate mod I'd need to degrade the gear of bandits, leaving them with only some pieces, no sets, and even the chiefs not being well dressed along with others, but increasing their natural difficulty.


Probably just wanting to much, almost a total overhaul with some things going up and others down, if so scarity at least looks like it would do a lot to "fix" the core game loot issues.

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Hi guys, i have searched all over the nexus and even google but didnt find the mod i was looking for...

its a mod that change the overall sound of the user interface, like pressing tab or closing a menu and receiving a quest and such BUT only interface related.

please help me find it, i hope its not removed.


Edit: never mind found it.

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Also silent arrows, and loot reduction (particularly less big items like armors, even better if it makes bandits more suitible poorly geared etc).

Coincidentally I just released my loot balancing mod, Scarcity. It has adjustable values for loot reduction.



Actually bumped into this while looking a bit more, certainly seems like the best I've seen so far (morrowloot creating a set path and for me just goes a bit far/serious, though having orcs in orcish gear and only dwemer stuff in the ruins is nice).


Still maybe you can answer since it's something you've poked around with, would it be possible to remove a large number of the lootable containers from the game or would such a mod be just too large? My "reasoning" is that I find it odd all the treasures particularly bandit ones are spread out so much in about 100 containers a dungeon, in some ways some containers should contain more, at least of certain items, but overall be far less frequent to find, so no more leaving a poverty stricken bandit chief with full nordic carved gear and thousands of gold worth of stuff spread though out the cave. Guessing it'd be a separate mod I'd need to degrade the gear of bandits, leaving them with only some pieces, no sets, and even the chiefs not being well dressed along with others, but increasing their natural difficulty.


Probably just wanting to much, almost a total overhaul with some things going up and others down, if so scarity at least looks like it would do a lot to "fix" the core game loot issues.


Well Scarcity does have a 10x loot rarity option that will effectively make most loot containers empty (but it won't remove the actual containers since some will have loot while others won't).


Morrowloot does the other thing you're asking for, removing most high-level armors from levelled lists so you won't see bandits in gear higher than steel. Check the Recommended Mods list on the Scarcity page for links to Morrowloot and other similar mods.

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Any alternative start mods similar to "live another life" but make it so you aren't the dragonborn?

Ack. Gotta plug another one of my mods. Check out Random Alternate Start, it's an alt start mod inspired by roguelikes so that you never know where you'll end up starting your game! There are 463 starting locations throughout Skyrim and 21 starting "kits" to choose from, based on the classic Morrowind/Oblivion classes. Random Alternate Start lets you choose if you want to be the Dragon Born or not, it adds a journal entry called "A Rumor of Dragons", it's up to you whether to investigate this rumor and start the Main Quest or not.

Edited by syclonix
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Decent imperial/stormclock armour. I've been looking for armour mods and I'm actually quite suprised I can't find this. I would like to "represent" my faction (imperial or stormclock) at higher level with some non-low level non-crappy faction specific (or at least faction suitable) armour. I'm aware perfect legionare may be one to consider, but it doesn't seem sufficent on its own and s more concerned with Morrowinding the legion than providing player gear. Stormlord armour also looks plausible. But that's just the fruits of some googling, does anyone know of anything else or anything more all-inclusive?

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Decent imperial/stormclock armour. I've been looking for armour mods and I'm actually quite suprised I can't find this. I would like to "represent" my faction (imperial or stormclock) at higher level with some non-low level non-crappy faction specific (or at least faction suitable) armour. I'm aware perfect legionare may be one to consider, but it doesn't seem sufficent on its own and s more concerned with Morrowinding the legion than providing player gear. Stormlord armour also looks plausible. But that's just the fruits of some googling, does anyone know of anything else or anything more all-inclusive?

you can get faction specific mage clothing from this guy if that helps: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/5546277/?tb=mods&pUp=1


if you're looking for actual armor though i haven't seen anything

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Kinda had this on my mind. Most of my previous runthroughs, I grinded smithing, but this time I've pretty much avoided it.


What I was wondering - is there a mod where you can give your ingredients (like dragon bone etc) to a smith to make things for you, for a fee? And ideally, they wouldn't be as good as perked/equipped player smithing would be. Or perhaps more expensive smiths for better quality.

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Can someone please help me. A couple months ago I downloaded this mod that makes essential NPC's killable; Thing is you can only kill them by hitting them with a power attack(from the PC only) while they are downed. I want to make the annoying NPC's killable, while at the same time having the safety of my fav NPC's being protected from being killed during an adventure, fight, dragon attack, etc. and I think this mod does it best, or at least meets my need. Earlier today I deleted my Skyrim files and mods, and reinstalled Skyrim, and the problem is I don't remember the name of this mod so I'm having a lot of trouble trying to find it. If anyone know the name of this mod or comes across it, please post a link; You will be my hero for a couple of hours :)

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