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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Anyone have an idea what mods these people might be using? Both are using Aela redesign mods, but neither mod changes her figure or outfit.






Two things to note: The ancient nordic armor used in both of these is missing the amulet/chest piece, suggesting the armor is not vanilla. Second, Aela's figure is more robust, suggesting that the armor override is based on CBBE/UNP/etc. I thought this might be it. It's close, but not quite it.


Any ideas much appreciated!

pretty sure the outfit is this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10790/?


Thanks, this is pretty close as far as I can tell. The only part I have to figure out is how to scale the proportions with it to reach what was shown in the video and picture... any ideas? Thanks again!

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I know it's out there somewhere; I've seen it. I don't know if it's a part of DUEL or ACE or what. I know SkyRe comes with it, but here's the thing. I'm switching to Requiem, so obviously I can't use SkyRe, but I'd still like to have timed blocking in my game. I can tell you based on a video I saw but couldn't relocate that the mod has a MCM, where you can configure how much time you need to anticipate a blow (default was 0.3 seconds, I think), as well as a couple other features. Can anyone point me in the right direction?




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Does anyone know if there's a mod yet that mirrors Skyrim? Or flips it? So what used to be north is now south, or what used to be west is now east? I want to rip through Skyrim again but I want it to feel like a new adventure! I just got Tropical Skyrim which is awesome but I still know where everything is! lol So I'm thinking inverting either the x or y the coordinates so that I'm disoriented seems like a quick and easy way to do that! haha

PS If anyone ever played the old Jak & Dax games, there was an option to do this in the settings, it was a nice way to give the game some new life!

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I've got two mod requests:


1: Is there a mod that changes the werewolf into a were-cat? I saw a mod on here that turns the werewolf into a panther, but I think it was taken down recently because I can't find it.


2: Is there a mod similar to the 'Tailor Maid' mod from the New Vegas Nexus, with vanilla armors broken down into separate pauldrons, pants, belts, bandoleers, etc. and other such things?

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I've got two mod requests:


1: Is there a mod that changes the werewolf into a were-cat? I saw a mod on here that turns the werewolf into a panther, but I think it was taken down recently because I can't find it.


2: Is there a mod similar to the 'Tailor Maid' mod from the New Vegas Nexus, with vanilla armors broken down into separate pauldrons, pants, belts, bandoleers, etc. and other such things?


1. Don't know.


2. There's something called "Hmm What to Wear," and I've never played with it before, so I don't know exactly how it works, but it lets you equip components of armor pieces individually. (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22168/?)

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A Warcraft 3 ability: Black Arrow


Black Arrow applies a buff to the enemy for X seconds. If the enemy dies while under the effect of "Black Arrow" it will be reanimated as a Thrall.


I'm having a heck of a time finding a mod which does this or something similar in function.

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I had a mod over a year ago that allowed me to craft several items, brew several potions and enchant several items of the same kind without having to reselect the ingredients every time. There was a slider would allow me to select the specific amount that I wanted to craft/brew/enchant. I don't remember if it applied to smelting ore, but a mod that does it for ore would be nice too.

Thanks for your help!

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