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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Hey there,


first of all I'd like to apologize in case this is the wrong section to ask something like this. I am quite new here so please excuse me :smile:


I recently found this AMAZING picture of someone having created the Final Fantasy 13 character Snow Villiers for Skyrim: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/16669/?


However I couldn't find any additional information about a possible download or if it even has been released yet or at all...

I wanted to ask if anyone knows if there is a mod out there containing Snow Villiers for Skyrim? :smile: I couln't find anything :sad:

I also wanted to message the creator, anjinewabe. However, I was told that the user cannot receive messages and I don't know why.. So does someone happen to know how I can contact that user otherwise? Can he or she also be found anywhere else? I really love that Snow Villiers character, it just looks exactly like the character in FF13, so I would be incredibly happy if someone could help me! :smile:


Thank you very much in advance!


Edited by OBloodyHeavenO
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Me again folks! I have a problem with saves and mods - I have multiple saves with different mods active for each one, and when I'm loading up a new save I often can't remember exactly what mods should be active. In Morrowind under data files you could see the saves and double click each one which would activate the relevant mods. Is there any utility for Skyrim that does the same thing?

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Hey there,


first of all I'd like to apologize in case this is the wrong section to ask something like this. I am quite new here so please excuse me :smile:


I recently found this AMAZING picture of someone having created the Final Fantasy 13 character Snow Villiers for Skyrim: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/16669/?


However I couldn't find any additional information about a possible download or if it even has been released yet or at all...

I wanted to ask if anyone knows if there is a mod out there containing Snow Villiers for Skyrim? :smile: I couln't find anything :sad:

I also wanted to message the creator, anjinewabe. However, I was told that the user cannot receive messages and I don't know why.. So does someone happen to know how I can contact that user otherwise? Can he or she also be found anywhere else? I really love that Snow Villiers character, it just looks exactly like the character in FF13, so I would be incredibly happy if someone could help me! :smile:


Thank you very much in advance!



You cannot contact them as they were banned quite some time back: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/529713-anjinewabe-banned/.

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Hey there,


first of all I'd like to apologize in case this is the wrong section to ask something like this. I am quite new here so please excuse me :smile:


I recently found this AMAZING picture of someone having created the Final Fantasy 13 character Snow Villiers for Skyrim: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/16669/?


However I couldn't find any additional information about a possible download or if it even has been released yet or at all...

I wanted to ask if anyone knows if there is a mod out there containing Snow Villiers for Skyrim? :smile: I couln't find anything :sad:

I also wanted to message the creator, anjinewabe. However, I was told that the user cannot receive messages and I don't know why.. So does someone happen to know how I can contact that user otherwise? Can he or she also be found anywhere else? I really love that Snow Villiers character, it just looks exactly like the character in FF13, so I would be incredibly happy if someone could help me! :smile:


Thank you very much in advance!



You cannot contact them as they were banned quite some time back: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/529713-anjinewabe-banned/.


Thanks for your answer!

But is it somehow possible to contact that person otherwise? Maybe he or she was active on another site as well or something like that.


Or maybe someone does even know a similiar mod!! :) I couldn't find anything :(

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Me again folks! I have a problem with saves and mods - I have multiple saves with different mods active for each one, and when I'm loading up a new save I often can't remember exactly what mods should be active. In Morrowind under data files you could see the saves and double click each one which would activate the relevant mods. Is there any utility for Skyrim that does the same thing?

Wrye Bash is what you are looking for ;))


I recommend go through this advanced readme - especially the part about "saves tab"...


.. there are two ways how to achieve what you need:


1. by using profiles - so for each character will be automatically switched the appropriate load order (including *.ini files)


2. by simply right clicking on desired save and selecting "load masters", so it will atomatically change the load order according to the selcted save game file


hope it helps ;))

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Is there a mod or console command that makes it possible to fast travel to locations that are on your map but that you have not yet visited. I'm trying to get to Fort Dawngaurd (for some reason the entrance to Dayspring Canyon doesn't work). I've tried the coc command w/o success.

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