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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Hey, I cannot find an old mod I used to have where when you hit people their bodies actually react (as in their head bobs or moves if you punch them in the face),, I totally forgot I used to use the mod until I did a brawl about 20min ago and realized he was just tanking punches to the face with no reaction.. Thanks.

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Nope wasn't that.. I remember watching a youtube video showing it off which is when I first dloaded it.. Ive been looking forever now but I can't find it.. It made NPCs react to being hit.. I'm not sure how else to describe it.

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Im looking for a Mod to Stop the earth shaking when shooting Spiderwebs, its so immersion breaking


I don't actually understand. When you shoot a projectile at spiderwebs, the earth shakes? Like, when the Greybeards Shout at you? I haven't had this problem; does it occur on a vanilla game for you? Otherwise I'd call it a mod conflict.

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^^ there is a schoolgirl mod, just google it, I had it once, its nice.

I think that one has a thong.


I am looking for a skirt that doesn't have panties or undies. I also tried Amiella, but equiping the skirt removes my own custom panties.


I am looking to make a Vampire Rosario video.



You gonna have them dance like in the intro?


Chu-ru, chu-ru, chu-ru Pa-ya-pa :laugh:



The reason you can't have a pair of panties as well as a skirt is that with the vanilla skeleton, they both are basically the same thing - each uses the same skeleton slot, and you can't have two items in the same slot. OTOH, there are a couple of mods that add a new skeleton, with more slots available (I use the xp32 skeleton: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26800/? ) The only problem is that if you install the skeleton, it won't make a difference until you change which slot a particular clothing item goes to, and if the slot isn't near where you want the item to go, it's not going to look right. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I imagine what you would have to do is open up say... the skirt, and somehow edit its attachment point to coincide with something like a belt attachment, but with the skirt placed where it would be when worn. I don't do CK editing or work with nifskope (or anything else that might be needed to make something like this work), so I have no clue how you might be able to do this, but I'm sure if you ask around, someone might be able to point you in the right direction.


Good luck, because I'd actually like to see that video.










:laugh: :laugh:


It is gonna be a challenge. The hardest part is the panty-less skirt and mimicing the wind indoors.


Hahaha. If it seems to much trouble I might just scrap the skirt idea and do it without the skirt.. Since it is kinda digging into my skyrim mod reviewing making time.

*whores myself https://www.youtube.com/user/VatiWah *




easiest solution would be to merge your custom panties and the skirt together by using Nifskope... :wink:

Edited by cubedj21
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I've been thinking-- there's so much food laying around in Skyrim, but no Hunger mechanic. Are there any mods to implement a need for food/sleep?

Considering how long ago this was posted and when skyrim came out 11/11/11 at that time there was no Hunger/need mechanic mods out however as of THIS reply there are at least two maybe three Hunger/needs mods.. Realistic Needs and Disease, iNeed to name but two.


I hope this helps.

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