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Help with new multi part mod


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I have been making a few mods only weapons up till now. Me and 2 others are designing weapons in autodesk and photoshop. WHile we are designing I started another part of the mod creation of a new ingot using current ores. That is where my problem is, skyrim shuts down just before the new,load,continue ect... menu comes up when I select the data esp file for the ingot creation part of the mod as a test( I am currently only using a simple 2 ore process Iron and Gold Ore to make a Sivler Ingot to test this atm) . As I said all I did before were weapons so there could be a few problems the first I could think of is the string in the EDID subrecord instead of it starting RecipeWeapon I am starting this using RecipeIngot not sure that would cause the problem but I am not sure. The second possibilty is Should I be using the MasterRecord - Record and Subrecords I used for a weapon to make an ingot. These are what I am using TES4 - Grup(COBJ) -- COBJ(recipeingottest) -(these are the subgroups) - EDID - COCT - CNOT - CNOT - CNAM - BNAM - NAM1. I am not using the CTDA or KWDA until I get the basic parts of this mod working then I will add those. Thankyou in advance


Edited by alterego420
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This is a longshot here, but it could be a plugin conflict due to running multiple mods that alter crafting. Try turning off all other mods that affect crafting and running just your new .esp. If it loads after doing this you'll have to add records to an existing plugin for testing.
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