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Alternative Death Mod idea or help... etc...


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Here's the idea...


On death:

  • Player falls to the ground...
  • Player then bleeds out (20 - 30 seconds)...
  • The screen fades to black...
  • The screen fades in to talking to a doctor... (Dialog view, Dr. says an already in-game phrase about how you were almost dead)
  • Player has woken up in nearest medical centre/doctors office...
  • 4 - 8 days pass, since blacking out...
  • Doctor takes 60% of players caps as payment...
  • Player is fully healed...
  • Player carries on...

But, I couldn't figure out the scripting, because I'm a mong... Laaaaame... If anyone wants to take this on... or can hold my hand through creation... Pretty please... I've been 'dying' for this mod... :woot:

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