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Every female is pretty.


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Here in Europe there is more good looking girls than ugly girls, tho Ireland and Germany drag the average a bit down :P


oh come on, this was uncalled for. Do you really have to point out the obvious?


I am joking of course, german ladys are lovely. On the other hand, both countries are known for their drinking habits, coincidence?

Edited by Arcadiast
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Bethesda did well on bodies and faces in Skyrim. Most characters aren't drop-dead gorgeous, but the span the appropriate range from pretty to ugly, and they all look reasonably human. (If you think they're all pretty, your standards are indeed too low.) Animations are better than FO3 and Oblivion, but still need a lot of work. Fortunately, it looks like the custom animation barrier has been broken, with Umpa posting a new Umpa Dance mod just recently, so hopefully talented people can start perfecting the animations in Skyrim pretty soon. Edited by Aluminumfoil
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I think your standards must be a bit low :whistling:


Seriously though, I find the Skyrim females to be too gaunt-looking. Almost as though in trying to get away from the fat faces of Oblivion, Bethesda just took it too far in the opposite direction. Plus, they tend to look old even with the complexion set as young as you can get it...


I don't think they're appalling, but they're definitely not ideal and point of fact I can't say I've ever seen particularly attractive characters in any of Bethesda's games.

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Except the old ones, pretty much every Skyrim female(besides khajits and argonians and orcs) are beautiful. This could be good, or it could be strange. IRL you usually see ugly ladies way more often than pretty ladies. I'd take most any of the Skyrim ladies out lol. Who thinks this is good or strange?


Or are my standards low?


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See I'm proud of my low standards. For me a girl with a decent body can get away by being pretty darn ugly. On the slightest hint of fat...GONE. in that sense I'll be much more satisfied. Lay low expectations and you'll always be happy, set high expectations and you'll always be disappointed.


But the women do stand leaning back indeed, I think it's a nice pose. The bodies don't quite look as strong as nords ought to be however. Nords are supposed to be burly!

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