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Craftable terminal to display total raw materials


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Hi all, I searched for this mod for a while but didn't find anything; apologies if this already exists and I missed it.


I'm looking for a mod that would add a craftable terminal to display all raw resources in all settlements (or at least, all settlements connected to the settlement where the terminal is built).


Sometimes I go on trips to buy a bunch of shipments, but there isn't an easy way to take inventory. As far as I can tell, the only way to determine how much material we have is to open a building or crafting recipe that uses that material. This is pretty awkward though - I might not remember a specific material of which I'm in short supply, or I might not even know of a recipe to look at so I can view my total.


"Hmm, I think I'm short on fiber optics. How much do I have? What's a recipe that uses it... hmmm..."


A terminal that would simply display a list of every material and the amount we own would be really helpful. For a bonus, it would let us tag any material, rather than having to tag an entire recipe, or put the raw material in our inventory so it can be tagged.


I'd love to do this myself but scripting is my weakness. >.<

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