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[request] tv mod suggestion


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Ok I resently started playing nuka world and upon seeing the nuka trons and building one of my own. I have to say the tv on the nukatrons looks like it should be a modible thing.



so I have a suggestion based around this.




info: requires nuka world and automatron.

idea: build robots that control tv's upping happyness of a settlement based on the amount of shows and tv's in the settlement.






info: a none nuka world branded tvtron, designed as a local radio brodcaster these things can wirelessly show holotape videos to all nearby tv's. just give htem the tapes and they will play them at random.



video holo tapes.

watch old world shows in stile, with these video holotapes, though the video isn't high quality and it is black and white it is better then the standby screen.




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that mod is a similar concept, though it only has special videos which are bleh.


Actually, the author of VotW has kindly shared links on his description page to a number of mods that add additional content other than the s.p.e.c.i.a.l. vids, as well as providing a tutorial via his youtube page should you wish to make your own holotape/s.

VotW is the base mod, which adds the holotape player that links to the TV's in your settlement, and makes the whole thing work - whilst the linked mods provide more content for VotW (beside those s.p.e.c.i.a.l. vids)

Edited by AGreatWeight
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