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Need help! Workshop game mechanic


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Hello Nexus Community!


During the creating of a mod, I have stumbled upon a mysterious yet very simple game mechanic inside the workshop object placement menu. So as we all know, we have a components list required for an object to be placed on the right hand side of the screen. Now, I found out recently, that only 8 components max can be shown on this list. If an object requires more than that, not all the components show up. Although, I saw an arrow pointing downwards right under the list and imminently I though, "Ok lets scroll this shiz down." But NOPE! I couldn't find a single way to scroll down the list of components. Either I am being completely stupid about this, missing something, or the mechanic is just broken/not explained. So, if anyone knows how to use this arrow, or scroll, please let me know because it is driving me nuts at this point.


Yes, this might be a bit of a small issue, but as we all probably know - game mechanics and little things like this make the game good... Or unmodifiable. Here is a screenshot as well: https://gyazo.com/c18bdbedae0c259b9aae800e6fcaeefe


Thanks for any response in advance, especially help!

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It's definitely the latter evening alcohol talking so I really hope I don't offend...but WHY do you need so many components for a constructible? I'm in progress on a mod with others which includes cluttered furniture and as the cluttered furniture is my bit I've had to decide on recipes. I decided to generally pick a happy medium between super realistic and super lazy. So A+ to you for finding what may be a game engine limit but seriously why? Is it absolutely necessary for 20+ immersion levels? Can you maybe roll your D20 a bit lower? Although it is nice to know as a modder what the limits may be.
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Well I did consider lowering the amount of components but it just wouldn't work well with what I am trying to produce. This is going to be my last option if this is actually an engine limit, and probably a broken simple game mechanic... I just find it really weird why a list inside the Workshop cannot be scrolled, just as you would expect it to be. Unless, like I said before, I am missing something.


Besides, I am making this mod mostly for myself. Well, at least I was at the start. Now I'm thinking of publishing it after a fair bit of testing, but as I am by myself and only started to learn CK from scratch like a month or two back, it'll be a process... At first I wanted to make my own game harder since I think Fallout 4 is just lacking a whole lot and even on Survival it is just too easy.


Also, the screenshot if only for presentation purposes.

Edited by marekto98
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