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Unconscious Essential NPCs


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Hey to all you modders out there, I was wondering whether it could be possible to not have essential NPC's kneel for 10 seconds and then kill you afterwards, but maybe instead 'knock them out' for a certain amount of time? (maybe 1 ingame day) Could this be achieved by perhaps allowing them to be killed but after a few minutes, having the 'resurrect' command applied to them automatically when the timer reaches 0?


I'm just putting out ideas, I hope to high hell that this is possible.


Further Explaination:


Some essential NPCs are truly essential to the main quest and you can break your game by setting them to killable. Having them knocked out for 15-20 minutes would have the equivalent of killing them but you can still talk to them after a day or so in-game, provided they aren't hostile towards you.


Much better than the NPCs kneeling for 10 seconds only to come back with full health and kill you. They should stay down like everyone else but still be able to survive.


I've posted this on the official forums and it seems to be a wanted idea, I'm just trying to spread the word ;)

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