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To play or not to play - Skyrim in 2016? Yes or no?


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My Skyrim is full of bad scripts and stupid mods and I can’t run the game smoothly. It crashes, has long loads, long save times and random ridiculousness. However, I have wanted to play through the game for a long time and perhaps even record some gameplay.


Before I spend hours, days, possibly weeks fixing my buggy Elderscrolls, do you guys think it’s worth it? It’s 2016 and I know the game is old, I just have some great ideas for gameplay videos and I want to give them a shot! Oh and I miss Inigo, dressing mannequins, enchanting bows and avoiding mammoths..


Soooo... I’d love some reasons why I should or shouldn't play it in 2016! And if Skyrim gameplay videos are even worth doing these days, seeing as most people know the game back to front already.


Thanks in advance guys and gals!! :D

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I think the upcoming special edition mentioned in this thread is a good reason to play in 2016. directX 11 is apparently being inferred from the fact that it will released for XBox One, so I hope Thallassa isn't reading too much into it by figuring that the PC version will also be dx11.


The users there say 64-bit is unconfirmed, though for all I know it might have been confirmed elsewhere. Personally, I'd be overjoyed to find out it's available in 64-bit. 64-bit OSes have been readily available since at least early 2007, so I don't understand why so many big games still come out as 32-bit only.

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I think the upcoming special edition mentioned in this thread is a good reason to play in 2016. directX 11 is apparently being inferred from the fact that it will released for XBox One, so I hope Thallassa isn't reading too much into it by figuring that the PC version will also be dx11.


The users there say 64-bit is unconfirmed, though for all I know it might have been confirmed elsewhere. Personally, I'd be overjoyed to find out it's available in 64-bit. 64-bit OSes have been readily available since at least early 2007, so I don't understand why so many big games still come out as 32-bit only.

Yes it is XD, not long after posting this thread did someone remind me of the remastered version coming out in October ;D And yes, that is in fact one of the biggest reasons to still play Skyrim :D

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Most Skyrim game vids I've seen are lame. You have to do some really bizarre stuff to make them at all entertaining. Who would want to watch some random person just playing the game? So, no. In 2016, I wouldn't bother with the videos at all, especially since you don't seem all that enthusiastic about playing. That lack of interest would come right out in the videos, and if just watching someone playing weren't bad enough, watching someone playing who doesn't seem to be enjoying themselves would be much worse.


As for playing the game, I guess it depends how creative you are with your strategies, and whether or not you really have already thoroughly explored every single location and completed every quest.


Now, when it comes to dealing with bugs and crashes, just wipe everything clean and start over. If you're organized about how you mod, it should take no more than about 30-60 minutes to start fresh, with all your essential mods reinstalled and ready to go.

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