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Twilight Vampires


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I'm looking for a vampire mod that resembles the vampirism in the book "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer. Are there any out there? I'm kind of making one of my own, but it doesn't seem to be working as well as I thought it would.


No sun damage: check. Golden eyes: check. Red eyes: check. Realistic hairsyles: half-check. Attractive vampire faces: uncheck. Ability to drink blood from animals: uncheck. Decent-looking, somewhat normal clothes: uncheck. Glimmering skin in sunlight: uncheck.


Therefore, I am looking for a mod that can do these things, or at least some help with how to do them myself (as I'm quite new to this whole modding thing). Either way, some info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Attractive Vampire Faces: turn down the game setting iVampirismAgeOffset.


Feeding from Animals: Are you any good at scripting? The only real way seems to be to add a scripted touch spell to the player. You can look at what happens in VampireScript and paste it over, running a few checks for deadness and an unplayable clothing item (Added to the corpse after feeding so you can't feed more than once off the same corpse). Also consider using GetTimeDead.

...At least, that's the basic version. Maybe also check if the person is in UndeadFaction.


Glimmering skin in sunlight:

If you know how to script, the simplest way would be to check if it's daytime (using GetCurrentTime) and the player isn't in an interior, and if so attach a pulsing golden membrane shader to the player's skin. Effect Shader Tutorial.


Normal Clothes: You mean modern clothes? That would make someone stand out in Tamriel, more than anything... :confused:


If you don't know how to script, if you attach the .esp file (archived) to a post in this thread, I could probably add the scripty stuff.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Bub, thanks for stealing my name. :verymad:


I got a bit more for your Twilight mod. I took the last reply's advice and got a little more of what you wanted. I made them more attractive, and I sort of got the whole glimmering skin thing to work. For some reason, other vampires glow in the sunlight, but I can't get my character to. I don't think there's a way to fix it, but I figured that if I mentioned it, someone here might have a solution. The drinking from animals I haven't figured out yet. I tried what the last guy (or girl, I don't know) said, but I couldn't get it to work. I'm thinking of some sort of paralyzing spell that can allow you to activate the paralyzed beast, where you will have the option either to feed from it, which may kill it, or just seriously would it, depending on how much health it has, or to knock it out, so you can run away because it's so much stronger than you. This would add another perk to the whole vampire thing. I also came up with an idea to make the Twilight-style vampires a completely different entity from the existing Oblivion vampires. This would allow you to choose whether you want to be a vampire or a "Vampyre" while in the game. With vampyrism, your stats are leveled and strengthen as you level. A hell of a lot more difficult to mod, but definitely worth the work. I still need some tips on how to level the skills without making like fifty-thousand separate spells. If anyone is interested in possibly helping out with this mod, it would be greatly appreciated. I wrote a big, long, drawn out explanation of what I want to do with it in another forum. Here's the link:





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Sadly, any time you want something triggered via activation, it has to be in the object itself's script. However, if you do get the scripted spell-bit working, you could check GetKnockedState (0 = not knocked, 1 = knocked out or paralysed, 2 = knocked down) to see if you have an opening. Then you could cast a damage health spell on the creature via activator (Or use ModAV2 if you're using OBSE) when you feed.


Could it be that your character doesn't glow because he already has a shader active on him? I know I always run around casting shield and such, and the game only allows one membrane shader at a time, from my experience.


I can't really think of a way to keep your stats leveled without spells, though I don't see why it would take more than 10. At least, that's how Scorn's did it. Just modding the Actor Value straight seems to me like it might cause trouble, for some reason, even if it's just attributes and not skills.


EDIT: Paragraph-spacing, man! :P

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As you may have noticed, my brother, Xandhoniox2 (yes, he stole my name), and I are trying to make a mod that has vampires that resemble those that are in the book "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer.


I've been using the Construction Set to try to put it together, and I've gotten a quite bit of it, but I can't seem to get all of it to work. First off, the vampires are not called "vampires," but instead "Vampyres," (pronounced -vahm-peers-) to distinguish them from the vampires that are already in the game. Both vampires and Vampyres exist in Tamriel, but Vampyres are even harder to find than vampires. This is not because they are more deadly, even though they are, but instead because their powers are actually sought after by even enemies of traditional vampires. They are not much stronger, per se (at least not at the beginning), but they have far fewer weaknesses.


The sun does not damage Vampyres, but it does make them glow/glimmer whenever they are in direct sunlight. To make this work for the game, I tried to put a shader on them when they are outside anytime the sun is out. It's not working for me. It works on other Vampyres, but it won’t show up on my character, even when there isn’t any other shader currently on it. I could use some help here.


The Vampyres are also more attractive than most humans, even at the height of their Vampyrism. I achieved this by changing the Vampire Age Offset to 0, so that you will appear the same as when you started the game whenever you have fed recently.


Vampyres are made through a different disease than vampires, as the two are separate entities. I made the disease to where it lowers your attributes and skills by two every hour until every one of them is at two or one. Depending on your level and the level of your attributes, this can take from less than a day all the way up to four days. Then you finally become a Vampyre, right before you die. I stole this idea from a mod by someone else who completely redid the whole vampirism disease and vampirism itself, and it worked out pretty well.


First, I had to make the vampirism effect more realistic and smooth. I made a series of spells, all called "VampyrismX," in which "X" was a certain number. The default Vampyre state is "Vampyrism1," where you have a vampirism effect of only 5. For each day you go without feeding, this effect increases by five, so that you slowly, but surely, show your hunger to those around you. The effect is very smooth with very subtle, almost imperceptible changes between one day and the next. After going twenty days without feeding, you reach 100% vampirism, and guards will attack you on sight. Also, you receive sun damage when you are 100% Vampyre. Your stats will continue to drop, as you are still growing weaker, but no perceptible changes to abilities and appearance are visible. Once you have reached one point of strength from not feeding for so long, you will receive a message telling you that you must find food within the next twenty-four hours, or you will die. And if you don't feed within the specified time period, you will die.


Then I had to make them stronger and faster than normal people, but not so much as to completely unbalance the game. As you level, your fortification on skills and attributes that you get from being a Vampyre go up, but the longer you go without feeding, the weaker those fortifications become. Say you're level 15 when you become a Vampyre. Your fortification for sneaking is only three points. But then you level up and are now level 16. Your fortification for sneaking now becomes four points. But then you go a day without feeding, and your fortification lowers to three points. You go three more days without feeding, and your fortification is nullified. Then you go another day without feeding, and your sneak skill is actually drained by one point. As soon as you feed, your fortification goes back up to four points.


This means that, the longer you've been a Vampyre, the longer you can go without feeding before it will have a negative effect on you. Just so you know, the basic fortification for your skills is three points, no matter what level you become a Vampyre. Attributes are only raised by one when you become a Vampyre, but only lower every two days, while carrying on the same leveling as the skills (raising one point of fortification per level). Most combat and stealth skills only lower by one for every day that you go without feeding. The exceptions are Speechcraft, and Mercantile, which lower by five for every day you don't feed. Your Personality Attribute is similar, lowering by five for every two days you don't feed. Most magic skills start off with a fortification of one point at your first Vampyre level. They only raise one point of fortification every two levels, while still lowering one point every day you don’t feed. The exception is Illusion, which has the same qualities as the combat and stealth skills.


Vampyres are very agile, and therefore have a resistance to normal weapons (this starts at 5% and raises 3% every level; also lowers 3% per day gone without feeding).


On the other hand, they have a weakness to magicka and disease (these start at 5% and raise 3% every level; raise 3% per day gone without feeding).


They also can regenerate health, beginning with a regeneration of one point per second for the first level you are a Vampyre, and raising one point for every level after that. It also raises one point per second for every day you go without feeding. So say you're level 15 when you become a Vampyre. You have a health regeneration of one point per second. Then you go a day without feeding. You now regenerate health at two points per second. Another day, three points per second. Then you feed, and you are back to one point per second. Then you level up to level 16, and you regenerate health at two points per second. So on and so forth.


You gain a new spell or power for every day you go without feeding, as in Vanilla Oblivion. But because you grow weaker without feeding, your magicka is reduced by ten points per day. Because of this, most of these spells and powers have little or no magicka cost at all. Also, as you level as a Vampyre, you gain a new spell for every three levels, no matter which attributes and skills you have raised.


As a Vampyre, you will also have an increasing ability to sense life around you. It starts out at five feet, and raises 5 feet for every day you go without feeding, as your desperation to find prey grows each day. Each time you level up, you gain another foot onto the distance you can detect life. This whole leveled fortifications and abilities thing I actually came up with on my own, but I haven't gotten it to work yet, since it's so complicated.


You can feed off of animals, too, if you so choose. The only way I could get this to work was to add an ingredient called "Beast Blood" to every creature in the game. When drunk, it will bring you back to your strongest Vampyre level. But after taking about five hours to add this ingredient to all the creatures, I discovered that beast blood tends to pile up quite a bit in your inventory before you actually need it. But since animals don't sleep, I can't really script it to where you can feed from them in their sleep.


So I decided that I'd try to make a power that can only be used once a day that, when cast, will knock out any opponent (animal or otherwise), and add a vial of blood to their body. If used on an NPC, you can steal this from them while they are unconscious. On animals, this just knocks them out, allowing you to kill them much more easily. This could prove useful if you run into an opponent that is much stronger than you could even hope to survive. The thing that levels this out, though, is that when you cast it, you also silence yourself for ten minutes of real time, so it should only be used in desperation. Strangely enough, every guard that I approached after using it simply ran away in fear. I don’t know why this is, but I like it. I finally got this to work, after the failure of countless previous ideas. It will be introduced after five days of not feeding, and will be permanently added after gaining fifteen levels as a Vampyre.


I also need a good name for the Vampyre disease (I'm currently using "Polyphoric Hemophilia Majoris," but it sounds corny and it's not very original.


Other than the minor details laid out in this update, the mod seems to be working quite well. It shouldn't be too much longer before it is released.

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