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Cat legs


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Evolution is nice thing to happen but not when its towards worse. I liked Kahjits in Morrowind when their legs werent like every single human or elf. They were unique legs!


I demand them back! And to show you what I mean here is a picture


Mercenary of Leopard2


Also nice armor, maybe some modeler can take a crak at it also, eh? wink wink

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would like that too, reminds me of the mod for oblivion where khajiit finaly had proper beast legs.


I actually have idea how to make this but I need confirmation is it possible to do or am I just wishing:


Take Khajit model and just modify the legs to look like in the link, no modifying the skeleton which the 3D-mesh is attached.

Can you just take parts of Werewolf model and copy/paste (not that simple I know I know)


Problems this would cause:

Boots would needed to be amodeled again, or as seen in the link, make them like that, boots but still showing beast legs

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What's problem with boots ? An anthropomorphic cat don't need boots to protect his paw... Simply, make paws... No need a digitigrade bracelet or other... It's not a problem... My warrior Khajiit is always barefeet and I have no problem to fight ennemies without a feet armor...



Make only an item "paw" who can be used like boots. If a player prefer boots, he wears boots, but if he prefer be digitigrade, he equips the "paw" item like boots .. No need to work the skeleton leg; there is many pawmods in Oblivion without a work on the skeleton.


No ?

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What's problem with boots ? An anthropomorphic cat don't need boots to protect his paw... Simply, make paws... No need a digitigrade bracelet or other... It's not a problem... My warrior Khajiit is always barefeet and I have no problem to fight ennemies without a feet armor...



Make only an item "paw" who can be used like boots. If a player prefer boots, he wears boots, but if he prefer be digitigrade, he equips the "paw" item like boots .. No need to work the skeleton leg; there is many pawmods in Oblivion without a work on the skeleton.


No ?


Well I dont have any problems with boots, and yes IF someone makes this mod, boots should not be applied. Again I want to point you towards to the link I posted, that is perfect "leg armor" for cat/lizard peoples

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