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My modding venture..


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Welp, I've tried a couple of things but it is as if the damage values are just completely messed up right now and don't know what the cause is.


Tried changing difficulty in ini but it just stays where it is....

Edited by Boursk
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With no clue as to what caused the problem, we are forced to fall back to basic troubleshooting. Work through the "Checklist" in "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. In particular: try renaming both the INI files in the "C:\Users\<YourAccountName>\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV" folder, and let the game rebuild them. (There might have been some unexpected changes.) This is the simplest, most likely solution.


If none of that (including "mod isolation") solves the issue, then uninstall all mods, rename the INI files, and use the Steam "verify local files" option to get back to a clean vanilla game. If you can't get "difficulty/damage" to work correctly with "verified" vanilla, then you will need to uninstall the game and re-install the entire game again.


Once you get vanilla to work correctly, then follow the guidelines in "FNV General Mod Use Advice". Install and TEST mods one at a time.



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Ok, so say I assumed the game was broken from the fact that I had this guy shoot me in the chest several times with Very Hard on right?


But then when I went to the Radscorpions and tested their damage I was like "Woah, this is how it should be"


So all along I guess I misjudged how much damage you're supposed to take when in Very Hard mode and thus I thought the game was broken - But now I realize there is seemingly nothing wrong with my game at all in it's current state.


Me testing it vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70F5uAs0648



TL;DR: It's been too long since I played, but I had a fun 2hour-ish crash-less session nonethless - Thanks for the help dubiousintent - I'll be sure to check back here if I run into any other stuff :-D

Edited by Boursk
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I suspect there is a difference in how damage is calculated between "creatures" and "weapons". Without looking into it, it could be that creatures ignore DT/DR while "weapons" take them into account. Sort of an "apples and oranges" comparison.


Glad to hear we at least got your game running more smoothly. Have fun.



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