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INSANE fps drop indoors and close to light source + bonus Q


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I have this annoying issue... Every time I go indoors (house in Whiterun for example) and stay close to the fire, my FPS drop to 3-4. When I go out again, everything is back to normal which is a stable 40+ fps. I'm guessing that I messed up while fiddling with the .ini files or maybe with new graphic driver (nvidia, beta). Anyway, does anyone know common .ini settings which could have caused this so that I can set it back to normal? When I say common I mean those that most guides talk about, the most basic settings. Or is it the new patch with ambient occulation(?) that messed it up? Or a combination? I've tried disabling the AO in nvidia inspector (I'm using Oblivion setting btw, if that matters) and it fixes the drop so that it only occurs when I'm moving in and out of a 'light source radius'.



And now for the bonus Q;


How do I fix this? http://i.imgur.com/lpeQJ.jpg


(look at the (striped)shadows)




Please help!

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You can delete your ini's if you want to reset them. The striped shadows is a bug across the entire pc platform and is on every computer regardless of build, it is actually a problem with the game engine but only shows up with a few lightsources.

(breezehome, solitude, dwarven ruins etc)

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Ok, I tried that and it fixed the issue.... But now it doesn't look nearly as beautiful as it did before :(


Can anyone post every single command that somehow affects the game indoors? Pretty please? I'm pretty sure it's something with the shadows since it only happens when I'm walking into the 'light source radius'.



Thanks scruples though for clearing up the other shadow-issue!

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