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Rescued Shaun via Portal Gun


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So I had been having fun with the Portal Gun mod and right before I blew up the Institute I zapped Shaun over to the Castle. He doesn't appear to do anything but stand around and mumble nonsense when you talk to him. Does he do anything interesting? I had grabbed a bunch of vault 81 cures from the 'developer's room' and never got prompted to administer a cure to him for his cancer. Was there a point at which I would have been given the option to do so if I had followed the right line of conversation with him?

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I didn't wait for him to die, I just put a bullet in his head, and then kept shooting him until he fell out of his bed and to the floor level below.

they practically force you to take shaun when you leave.


Yeah because blowing up the institute would count as killing a child if you left him there..


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