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Have you noticed how creatures are scaled on your level? Do you like not fighting a deathclaw upon your exit on Vault 101?


Have you ever wanted weapons to function a similar way?


Now they do!


My project which shall be known as Deviation acts this way.


imagine a world where no two FNV weapons will be alike!


I am going to first work on f3 then port it to FNV with other features


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So basically when you start the game you can only get crappy weapons and as the game progresses you get better weapons. Or are you saying that if I had a 10mm pistol at the start of the game and it sucked, then I used that same pistol when I was level 30 it would be good? I'm a little confused.
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If a player finds a 10mm pistol when he was level 1, he could get a good weapon or an okay weapon for his level. you will have to abandon this weapon later on because it will not do enough damage. if you find another at level 30, it will be waaaaay better (increased damage, rof, clipsize, zoom, automatic or semi, and scopes)
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