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NPC Packages, Changing Clothes


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Hi Forum, Please HELP!!!


I have seen in many Mods, where NPC's Change clothes. EG.. Sleeping Packages, they goto bed and Change to sleeping clothes??


I have made many packages for the NPC's to follow. Yet how do I get them to change clothes to suit.


Eg,, Farming. I want the NPC to change into farmings clothes, Sleeping Change to sleeping clothes so forth??


Is it possible, I have seen in Slave mod, They walk through doors, and their clothes are stored into a cont and then
then given clothes to suit that room. Im not a scripter. So please if it is as simple as a Script to change clothes, On entering or exiting a door frame, Please help.


Im building a mod, That has Snipers in their nests, Cooks, Cleaners, Scouts, Merchants. So forth. Yet I want their clothes to suit what they are doing when that package starts. Is it possible if so please help me.


I know I can just add the clothes to their inv, yet how do I get them to wear them at cert times???


Loving the Nexus as always...


Please Help if you can :)


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You have two options:


1. Packages have a tab in the GECK so you can add scripts that run when they begin and end. Use AddItem (if they don't already have the clothes) and EquipItem to make them wear the outfit, and UnequipItem and/or RemoveItem to make them unequip the item at the end of the package. The problem with this is that you need a way to re-equip the actor's original clothes after you un-equip the package-specific clothes.


2. You can script the actor and use the OnPackageStart and OnPackageDone blocks to change the actor's clothes. This way you can use a script variable to store the actor's original outfit. An (untested) example:

scn CookinTrooperSCRIPT

ref rOutfit	;stores the torso armor the actor was wearing prior to starting the cooking package

begin OnPackageStart TrooperCookPackage

	let rOutfit := GetEquippedObject 2

	if (GetItemCount OutfitCook < 1)
		AddItem OutfitCook 1

	EquipItem OutfitCook


begin OnPackageDone TrooperCookPackage

	if (GetItemCount rOutfit < 1)
		AddItem rOutfit 1

	EquipItem rOutfit


If you know what outfit the actor is wearing by default there's no need to use GetEquippedObject (which is an NVSE function) - just call EquipItem [clothingForm] for the item they should be wearing.

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Thank you for your replies :)

I tried the Script you added, that didnt work. not sure whats going on there. Will try it again later when i get the chance.

The additem did though :)


Now my packages are playing up, not going to the next so forth, so gotta find out why the patrol package. keeps going and no others will work sad face

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