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Different loot scheme.


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I love dungeoneering. (is that technically a word?)

And I love, like any other player who grew up with RPGs from a young, young age, to find new loot.

But I'm so incredibly tired of this number-based loot. I know it's the standard approach - you have armor, you find better armor. The problem in this case though is that the way this better armor is laid out really is in tiers (weapons, too - IE, Leather, then this, then this, leading to Dragonscale or Glass or whatever if you use light armor), and that causes an issue of tearing apart that feeling of immersion that is capable. At least, that's what happens when I realize this, to the point where I have to get off the game for a bit until I can forget what I realized about this game.


So, my idea is simple-sounding, though I'm going to have to learn some coding, I'll bet, to make it happen. And frankly, I'd like it to be approachable to other armors and weapons if this mod eventually happens, whether I do it or someone else does - ie, include popular mods in optional updates with the permission of the author.

Armor values could be kept - doesn't really need to be tweaked much. Why should leather be any different than it is, number-wise? But innately, why SHOULDN'T I choose leather over Glass?

It should be about preference, and situational use. Innate, scripted bonuses and subtractions would be easier than the creativity that I don't possess at this particular moment (I'm really, really quite tired, lol, but I've been thinking about this all week) - for instance, an innate bonus to stealth checks vs. beasts in leather armor, and better movement speed in the wild, where it'd be used best (and of course I don't know from experience, I'm just a gamer with an idea).


It would look something like this, to lay it out in simpler words:


ARMOR / Armor Rating / Qualities

Leather / Low / +sneak vs wild. +movement speed in forest areas.

( ^--- both scripted into the armor itself - maybe an on-equip script per armor?)

Dragonscale / High / +damage vs dragons (naturally, right? we've all thought of this :P)

possibly -enemy dragon damage reduction

( ^ could say this is because of fear, realising what you're wearing)


Ebony / High / -damage from slicing (swords, daggers) reduced

(not sure what else you could do with ebony armor, but that seems like a base quality for heavier armor)


Daedric / High / +absorbs a small portion of opposing magic?


etc, etc, etc.


Thoughts, changes, and so on? Let me know what you think. This is purely an idea for now.

Edited by tristybabe
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