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Crash near Orphan Rock


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Hello everyone,

I have fresh installed Skyrim along with, according to NMM, 77 mods. I did read Installation Instructions, what has priority and etc, but I believe I didn't do a good job.

I've been playing it nice and easy until the first problem occurred - infinite loading screen along with freezes. Sorted that out with "Safety Load".

To be honest, I'm noob with NMM and what I do with the plugins is that I click the option "Automatic Plugin Sorting". I somehow think this might not be the best idea.

So about the crash - just trying to get to Ivarstead to complete the quest about the Greybeards, took the quickest road from the Orphan Rock and on the mild uphill climb where the the curved roads begin, game crashes.

I would appreciate any help! Thanks.

P.S. Another possible problem? In the Amol City - whenever I speak to someone, there is no voice.

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