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IMPROVED Law/Crime Enforcement


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I'm making this thread after coming across a suggestion for an actual yield system in Skyrim by user "TheSuey" (Thread and poll found here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/484612-i-surrender-an-actual-yield/page__st__10)


The idea is simple and inspired by TheSuey and ninga_express, because most of the following will be possible through his proposed yield system.


So sometimes your enemy is to the point of defeat and begs for mercy or quickly congratulates you on besting them. A mod that could give us options as to how to approach this situation would be boss-status indeed:


1) Accept the yield: obvious. You let them hobble away to choose what to do next with their wretched little life. They don't get back up and attack you.


2) Ignore any request: this will allow for a randomized response of either the NPC standing back up and trying to fight you as you turn your back, or the NPC continuing to flee from you.


3) Execute: [insert cool and hopefully new execution move, equipped with grunts, death moans, quickly silenced screams]


4) Arrest: this is where things get more complex but at least a little interesting.


EDIT 5) Torture: some of our characters may be psychopaths and a good chopping down isn't enough.


Option 4 Explained:


At the moment you choose to arrest, I was thinking maybe 2 guards enter the scene and take the criminal away. If you were to follow the guardsmen, you'd be able to see them physically walk the captive to the NEAREST hold. The map could be divided into regions that act like jurisdictions. This would allow for more jail space usage. Visiting jails, you can sometimes see criminals you arrested awaiting their trial. This could open up some really cool options if the idea for a more robust prison system came to pass. Imagine being in the same cell as the chumps you gave up to the authorities. Haha.


A window of time could be allotted so that if you were to immediately travel back to the nearest hold that the criminal was taken to, you can actually witness the trial for said criminal. The verdict could range from prison sentences to execution depending on the NPCs crimes (or maybe this would be interpreted as NPC level...the higher the NPC level, the more atrocities they probably took part in meaning a more severe sentence).


Now, if you happen to be thane of that particular hold, new options are given when you arrive to a trial. The jarl will allow you to deliver the sentence you deem appropriate for the situation. Because he/she might not know that although this criminal seems to be small time, they killed your dog follower, and you just can't allow that to go without justice. There could still be a jury who gives their opinion, and it could be up to you to agree with their sentence, lower it, or increase it.


Your choice could open options that lead to small generated quests, possible weapon/armor caches that the criminal could offer you for being lenient in your sentence, or even possible new followers with small backstories you could learn or get hints from dialogue options. Or you could watch the execution (decapitation or public hanging) like was possible in one part of the Witcher 2 main storyline.


The main idea is to allow the player to help maintain law and order, or to continue being the ruthless killer we are forced to be in vanilla Skyrim.


Also, I'd note that of course in large battles, going through dialogue options probably isn't going to be possible. There could be a system that determines when this yielding could take place, such as a lone enemy NPC fighting you, or downed NPCs stay downed until all enemies in the immediate area are either killed or downed so that you can walk back up to them, interact, and choose the option you want.


EDIT: Option 5 explained:


I see torture racks, chains, furnaces, traps, embalming tools, iron wrist claps on walls...why can't we use these? Torture would be an interesting in-game option for the more cruel and demented character. It'd be cool to force an enemy to follow you, kind of like when you direct your followers to do tasks and you could point to some of these things like the racks or clasps, and you can activate them to do horrible things to your foe. OR you could have them move forward with you so that they activate traps and sacrifice themselves (this would be great when all those super deadly trap mods come out with CK) with the clasps, you could trap enemies like prisoners in dungeons and just decide to leave them there. You would hear them pleading for you to free them as you walk away and allow fate to take them.



Anyway, that's my quick write up on the idea. Thanks to TheSuey and ninga_express for the inspiration. If you like this idea, feel free to add comments/ideas/discussion to the thread so that I can continually update the OP in hopes that a talented modder decides to try this out. Thanks.


Edit: Some more ideas on crime overhaul in this thread: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/496174-crime-overhaul/page__gopid__4057906&do=findComment&comment=4057906

I love your idea. If possible i would add more. 1 option you could make him a slave, then you could choose of two:

1) leave him as he is and use as follower (he might eventually backstab you, especially when you on low health) OR

2) do some experimentation (just like in Fallout 3 you put somekind of collar). It would make him subjugated and later on you could choose do you want to wipe slaves memory or not and all of those stuff could result in slaves death. Now i think i could explain smth:


Why wipe memory? If you won't it might sooner or later run off you, but to make stuff more interesting, if you wipe it's memory it will become loyal ,but become weak.


How to manage slaves? Well in fallout 3 you would order slave to run into slavery post, in this case you could order to run into your slavery place, where you would trap slave in cage (i'm not talking about sex or torturing cages, just simple cages). This kind of thing would require place to be crafted, and if modder has the time this place could be made not only with cages, but also with somekind of arena, where you could make gladiator fights, just for fun :smile:)) The one who would survive would become stronger and gain experience.


Slaves could get better in certain fields by which you could decide what kind of task you gonna give them.


Later on you could take slave and give him a task, like becoming your follower, or work in the mine to get ore or money, or maybe farm. To run somekind of merchandise between cities to make money to you, or just take all of them and feed them to the dragon :devil: . Or just gift slaves to certain npc in the world (can't think of benefit of this kind of choice, but it would be a nice way to give player feeling of the power).


This is a mod i'm dreaming of. To run my own slavery bussines. To be an slave trading dragonborn. The one who is saving people and enslaving at the same time :woot: .


BTW: it would be nice if you could enslave and simple citizens, but there would be certain penalties accordingly. After all citizens should be protected by the guards and law.



It's not exactly what you described but there is a pretty good slavery mod out there: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29886/?


As for the mod itself, I back it up 100%

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