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Whats with simplified leveling system?


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I wondered. It's hard to get that without a smiley. :happy:

In a way you really dont have vampires in tes games, if you think about it...you are some master vampire, thats has some sh*ty spells (wich arent let you feel like a vampire but more like some mage) and the only way you can drink blood is when someone is sleeping..makes no sense...just a simple thing like forcing a feed on someone in combat should be availiable...overall there is no creativity there...atleast the werewolfs are...werewolfs. :whistling:

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I actually like what everyone is calling the simplified system. I like that if I choose to try and learn something, I can put in the effort and start to pick up how to do it. Unlike in a class based system, where if you later decide you want to learn how to start enchanting things, its too bad, you didn't choose thatas one of your major skills so you will always suck at it. Mostly I like that because your "class" basically gets created by the choices you make in game, rather than some uninformed choices you made before you knew how to play the game. Like some others I am planning on reloading Morrowind and playing that again, though I can't bring myself to stop playing Skyrim long enough to get it installed at this point.
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I don't miss the class system at all. What I do miss is the general stats defining your character. Intelligence, Charisma, strenght.


I'm not saying, I hate the new system, that would be a lie, but the stats influenced how well your character could master certain situations. I'm not entirely sure, how the skill system is influencing that.

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In a way you really dont have vampires in tes games, if you think about it...you are some master vampire, thats has some sh*ty spells (wich arent let you feel like a vampire but more like some mage) and the only way you can drink blood is when someone is sleeping..makes no sense...just a simple thing like forcing a feed on someone in combat should be availiable...overall there is no creativity there...atleast the werewolfs are...werewolfs. :whistling:


That's true but vampire lore is hardly consistent. Dracula (in the original novel) can walk in the sun without glitter... Some vampires are immortal, others are not. I haven't tried vampirism in Skyrim yet but an option to feed during fights would be nice. :happy:


I actually like what everyone is calling the simplified system. I like that if I choose to try and learn something, I can put in the effort and start to pick up how to do it. Unlike in a class based system, where if you later decide you want to learn how to start enchanting things, its too bad, you didn't choose thatas one of your major skills so you will always suck at it. Mostly I like that because your "class" basically gets created by the choices you make in game, rather than some uninformed choices you made before you knew how to play the game. Like some others I am planning on reloading Morrowind and playing that again, though I can't bring myself to stop playing Skyrim long enough to get it installed at this point.


That's exactly what I like about the new system, your actual playing style matters more than choosing a class.


The Oblivion class system doesn't prevent you from making a character who ends up being good at everything. It's been argued that there is an advantage in choosing class skills that you won't use in order to control when your character is going to level up.

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Its not really about lore but more about the feeling of playing a vampire, they dont have to strictly follow some books or movies, but there's none of that in the game...nothing cool about them or interesting...its totaly lame.


You basicaly play a human with canibalistic tendencies aand thats it...i would love even that if there would be interesting perks/powers, unique animations like with werewolfs for example.


Like when you would change to your beast form, vampire or wolf...a new perk tree gets added to your existing perks etc., you get new ways of approaching your enemies, new dialogues...there is tons of things that could be done with it, but first they would need to stop picking good looking release times for their games and play/test them a bit more. :whistling:

Edited by pavy
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To me, the system feels like I'm installing some software. Beth have done a great job with the Wizard, the express system is great and does a fab job.

But I just wish I could click 'custom' and see the nuts and bolts a bit more, have a little more control.


I hope people can follow that analogy.

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In each game Bethesda tries to improve on previous games by eliminating loopholes.


The major loophole in Morrowind was that you could make yourself infinitely powerful by using potions (or the Soultrap glitch). Oblivion fixed this by limiting the number of potions you could drink. Skyim doesn't seem to limit the potions but since they have eliminated stats, you cannot make better and better potions anyway. You could also skip a lot of the gameplay by using leviation spells. Those went away, as well.


The major loophole in Oblivion was that if you chose your major skills carefully (to be opposite of how you actually planned to play the character), you would not level up very often, and when you did you received a maximum benefit. This kept the leveled creatures easy. You could also simply not sleep and never gain a level. Skyrim did away with this by not making it necessary to sleep to gain levels, and by making ALL skill gains raise your level. Now you have no choice. If you want high stats you are going to have to fight high-end leveled creatures.


Also, although I think the game loses something by eliminating the luck stat and making enchanting, spellcasting and smithing 100% chance of success, really what it meant for players of Morrowind and Oblivion was to simply save your game before attempting an enchantment, etc., and restart if the enchantment failed.


Now, there are loopholes in Skyrim, too. Some can be fixed in patches, but some will not be, such as the smithing boost and the 30x stealth attack that one-hits almost every creature in the game. Expect Bethesda to revamp or eliminate these in TES:VI.


One thing that I think has become silly now is training. I still get to use 5 training sessions per level... But those training sessions raise my level. Find a Master trainer and you can basically max out the skill without having to kill a single baddy, as long as you have the coin to do so (or can steal it back, or if the trainer is also your follower...)

Edited by bpestilence
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I want to help this thread along so let me help you all see it from the only perspective that matters.




[You] "Hi Bethesda, you did a great job on Skyrim. I did however have some concerns about the leveling system and how it wasn't as fun as I thought it could have been"


[bethesda] "Wow! really. Cool! How about you walk down that hall on the left, take a turn at the third sign that says "We really give a s***, and you should be right at the exit"

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