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Scavenger's Industrial Power Armor


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So, yeah, I dunno.. I got bored today while waiting on my power to come back, and decided to watch the guys putting in a new section of road outside the house. Got inspired by all the industrial machines going on and figured I'd share my idea n such.



Scavver Power Armor-


What do all wasteland scavengers desire? the power to move all their loot from point a to point b. The Scavver Power Armor represents that dream and more.


A rugged suit in every form, the Scavver Power Armor is built to survive the dangerous ends of the wasteland. The rusted steel and chipping yellow and black paint spreads across a torso hammered and welded from the rugged steel of a bull dozer leaves the torso of the suit appearing very solid, almost blocky like it's more industrial origins. A metal-mesh cage goes up from the back to sweep over the top of the head like an industrial role cage. Mounted on the back above the normal coolant tanks of the armor is a third gas-can like tank filled with Hydraulic fluid for the extra hydraulic systems the armor employs.


The armor's helmet is hammered from the hood of a tractor, carefully shaped into an almost bucket-like shape. A face-plate made of the grating of a truck gives it a radiator-like appearance, with a notable set of hoses leading around the helmet to the air filters. A pair of thick tinted goggles, sealed tight into the helmet cover the eyes to protect the occupant from debris during salvage operations.


The right arm of the the armor is made of thick interlocked and welded diamond-plated steel, extra hydraulic pumps and servos are visible to enhance the lifting power of the arm with visible ports where hydraulic attachments may be connected. The armor's shoulder is made of a thick diamond-plated scoop, and fortified by a similar roll-cage style that almost links up with the roll cage on the back of the torso.


The left arm is styled very similarly to the right, though it lacks the extra hydraulic ports. In their place additional defensive plating is secured, using trimmed down forklift forks to create a rigid buckler-like plate. Like the right arm, a metal scoop swoops over the shoulder area, though it lacks the roll-cage in favor of mounted flood light.


The legs are thick and heavy, not designed for moving very quickly. The feet of the armor are flipped up shovel buckets, with thick teeth on them for gripping and helping the armor-pilot pull salvage or scale steep ruins. The thick yellow and black painted metal is much flatter and squarer than most power armor designs, with two deployable hydraulic spikes ready to flip down and dig into the ground and anchor the armor in place. The knees are solid, made of very thick plating that extend a bit higher than normal to protect the knee-joint more during salvage operations, while armored hydraulic lines run down the back of the legs to the deployable spikes.





'Weapon' Ruin Breaker: While not built in, the armor is designed to work with a hydraulic driven Pile-driver for punching through rubble. The weapon mounts more on the back of the wrist and over the hand than the fist, and fires a hardened steel pike forward when the first punches forward.


Backpack-(Along with the more standard power armor torso upgrades, excluding Tesla and Jet packs)


Loader-Pack: A light weight digging bucket from a digging machine, the bucket is worn facing backwards with a metal door attached to hinges allowing it to open and increasing the carrying capacity of the armor as well as it's defenses due to the thick steel of the bucket.


Arm mods-(Along with the more standard power armor arm upgrades, excluding Tesla)


Military Plating: A lighter weight, but solid alternative to the diamond plate that make up it's arms. Reduces weight and ballistic defense, increased energy resistance.


Calibrated Pumps: Replacement of the more worn out hydraulic pumps, the Calibrated Pumps increase the lifting power of the armor. Increases Strength, allows moving of 'heavy' objects.


Flood Light: The left arm sports the light source of the armor, allowing for either regular, bright, or fog-light mods.


Leg Mods-(Along with the more standard leg upgrades.)


Military Plating: A lighter weight alternative, reduces the defense of the power armor but increases movement speed.


Calibrated Pumps: Identical to it's arm counterparts, increases Strength and Carrying Capacity.


Helmet mod-(Along with most standard Raider power armor mods)


Salvaged Visor: Visor salvaged from a normal suit of power armor, increases Perception and Rad Resistance.


Sentry Guard: Face-guard ripped from a sentry bot head, increases defenses.

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