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Mistress Kitteh! (an ADULT mod idea)


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ok, I was remembering/playing Fallout 2 again recently, and I remembered the Ball-gag, and the love doll from there. Then I realized another western archtype that New Vegas was missing.


Miss Kitty, a nice bar/bordello owner who flirts with nice good heroes. possibly with a collection of sex related merchindise in her store, fully Sexual Innuendo compatable, just remember she's in charge. Purhaps give her a supermutant bouncer named Gimpy too....

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actually I'm all for expanding the wasteland .. feels so empty currently :)


I was walking through Freeside/Vegas and I just realized how much it's alike to New Reno in Fallout 2 aswell .. Surprised they didn't include lotsa adult content like they did in Fallout 2, especially considering they had done New Reno originally..


I was actually thinking about adding an "underground marketplace" like for example seen in Demolition Man (Stallone) .. Though that'd be ages before I attempt it as I'm currently working on a playerhome you can acquire..

Edited by apixaez
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