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Petition to Bethesda to sort out skyrim


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Yes I see everyones points of view, but for me at least it has come to a point now where I cannot ignore this, for the moment im just posting for peoples opinions etc and in the process of setting up some sort of petition website (if anyone has extensive experience with something like this it would be a great help)


Yes the truth is that not everyone will uphold their end of the bargin, but for those who have gone off bethesda games completly (not myself, but im close) they will hold up their end of the bargin if they think it will make a difference.


In the long run, yes its like trying to take on a tank with a bb gun, but the point is the tank will know your there.....annoying them and getting in the way at every turn.


My point of all this is to make them aware of the situation( one way or another word will eventually reach them about this), that whether they care or not they will be losing some small profit when all they have to do is listen for 5 minutes to the hordes, and make small changes that affect millions and bring in future gamers.


It is not something ive taken lightly, ive talked it over with everyone who I know has Skyrim and all agree that only IF it continues to get worse, then something has to be done.

Even if we try and fail, bethesda will still have it on their reputation in the future:

Bethesda made some mistakes

Gamers petitioned politely for the right changes

Bethesda ignored the gamers

Gamers went on strike, refusing to buy games or DLC etc etc

Bethesda ignored the gamers

Bethesda lost a very small amount of profit

Gamers continue to lose faith in bethesda

Bethesda become known for not giving a crap and continue to make mistakes in future games (it only takes one person from the gaming media to catch on and see that bethesda are ignoring gamer needs so obviously in the pursuit of profit)

Bethesda become well known for not caring and not listening to gamers, though the effects may appear small, do they really want to be known for becoming a coorporation that cares nothing for its customers when all these years they have had such a good reputation for giving gamers options / tools / construction sets / great ability to freely mod


I think it will have an impact, somewhere down the line

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