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MGE distant land doesnt work


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i have had MGE distant land working right for all the time i have used it, until i went and used MGSO settings exe (morrowind sound and graphics overhaul) from the wrong directory> inside data/ instead of from main MW directory (i had 2 installs of it :/ )

everything BUT distant land and shiny water in MGE works perfectly.

i have tried re-extracting and installing MGSO and resetting MGE settings, deleting and regenerating the data/distantland folder.... nothing has fixed it.


are there any files that have hidden setting things in that can be reset or deleted that may be interfering with MGE? i have so many mods installed i dont really know what belongs to what anymore


any help will be appreciated :)



EDIT: managed to fix it now, the registry key for MGEgui was pointing to a morrowind subdirectory instead of the main directory.

Edited by Guest
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