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Files > Add-ons ?


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Hi there, the Nexus... Just a quick one and sorry if it's covered before, but I'm wondering if there is any chance of a few more options when uploading a file, specifically categories.


For example, mods currently show "Main Version" and "Old Versions".


But I'd like to see the ability to create a section between that, or maybe the choice of as many sections as is relevant to your mod.


Reason, is that I have made a mod, and I want to offer an additional one to it that adds one or two extras. The current option seems to be for that file to sit in "old versions" (which could quickly end up bottom of the list depending on updates to the Main Version) or to create a seperate mod page for it (a bit overkill).


For example, I've made a Fallout 4 Island, and would like people to have the option of using an additional mod to add a bridge, some more trees and stuff, should they wish.


So what are the chances of being able to add a file to a current mod as an "Add-on" or "Optional Extra" etc. Or is there some preferred way to do this now that makes it clear to the downloader that I've missed?


There may also be call for "Additional Versions", a bit like "Old Versions" but with higher priority. I have some "Additional" versions I'd like people to have access to, basically where the Main Version has a little change or something, not an add on, it just does what the Main Version does but perhaps a little differently. My example of this would be several mods I've merged into one, some people want it without one of those merged into it. I still want the whole lot to be the Main File, but want to offer Additional Versions of that, meeting their needs.


So add-ons and additional versions file categories, what are the chances?


Everything works really well as is. Plenty of choice and options! File categories is the only thing that strikes me as perhaps could do with a few more options. But great functionality, thank you!

Edited by m0ds1984
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There should already be several others. There should be main files, update files, optional files, miscellaneous files, and old files. If you go to your current mod and click on the "files" link in your admin section it should bring up all of the files currently in your mod. After that there is a little pencil icon beneath the name of the file which lets you edit it. This will bring up a menu and on that menu will be a drop-down box under category.


When adding a new file the category drop-down box should be there as well with all the options.



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