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[Papyrus] force reload

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Possible but wont be easy. I can tell you what you would need to know or at least my approach.


Youd need to get value that is displayed on the hud. That is, the current ammo in the clip and when it reaches 0 or 1 (so that it beats the reload mechanism) call additem and readd the amount back. There's an event for firing weapons.


Problem: cant stop the player from reloading before hand..meaning you cant disable reloading by itself. And another... getting the value of the clip.


This would lead me to doing a big circumventing script.. that takes the total amount of ammo for the currently equipped weapon..and storing that value and then comparing it and listening for the smallest changein ammo amount..

Ok sounds complicating..


Getting the clip value sounds easiest.. not sure how to access that.

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Actually with a tricky scripting you can get ammo count in clip. Like placing container which stores the same amount of items (for example ammo) as needed weapon, then on each weaponfire animation event remove one item from container. Reload animation event will readd items to the container. But sure for this case that wont help.
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Is there any way dynamically attaching weapon mods will add ammo to the gun? I'm not sure if adding a mod to increase ammo count will just increase the capacity, or actually add the bullets to the magazine too though. Another problem with doing that though is that every time an attachment is added or removed the weapon will re-equip in the players hands.


Might just have to wait for more F4SE functions.

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If you know anyone that has experience with C++ and can work with F4SE to make plugins.. there is a small chance it can be found out how beth get this value. You know the Scrounge perk? The last rank has a chance of giving ammo back when firing the last round from the clip. This is not exposed in any way though - just a global variable is set in the PerksQuest, possibly checked by function called under the hood at run-time.

Edited by EveningTide
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