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Skyrim Gladiators Mod


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Hello, I've had an ideal for a long time on a mod I would love to see.

However I'm not the best at creating quests or dialog ... ( pretty good scripter :P )


What I was thinking of was long ago I played some Nintendo game that was really sweet. In the game you were the owner of a group of gladiators. You travailed from town to town looking to make gold and a name for yourself.

You had to train your gladiators and get them ready to fight in the areas. If your gladiators died they died forever. I would love to see a mod like this for Skyrim. Everything is in the kit to do this you would just need the skills

to put it all together. I was thinking of an arena in most of the major towns that from time to time have Gladiator arena fights for the people to enjoy. You would be in charge of your group of gladiators but they would fight on their own

in the areas ... you could bet on your gladiators and get a prize if they win as the owner.


This could be like a house mod too as you would own your own ludus to train your gladiators. Then take them on the road to the arena events.

This old game was one of my favorites ever and I played it till I broke it ...


I would be willing to help with any of the scripting and/or ludus and arenas ...


Let me know what you think


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