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Fox-Girl Race Please?


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Can you take the Female Nords or Khajiit and add/change the tail to a fox tail and fox ears/colors? I lack the tools and skills to do it myself, and if i had the creation kit i could give it my best shot( i already did in oblivion) I would also like them to have the ability to turn full-fox, but idk if you can add that in as a spell without the kit.




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*Bump* Please post if you intend to take the challenge? i would at least like to know that someone read this.


Edit: i literally posted this right after your post came through

Edited by Neodavid62
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Have to wait for the ck. But as my forum name suggests, I am totally for a fox maiden race mod. :D


Yeah, once i have the creation kit, ima use the meshes/textures from the oblivion one as a base and work from there, but the CK wont be out till January :verymad: even a beta version would be nice :(


Edit: My version on Oblivion(when it worked blah, its being dumb and blowing up when i try to start it) i gave them custom skills, like 100% Chameleon for 30 second( Fox Magic: Vanish) and an area charm skill (Fox Magic: Attraction) also a combat helpful spell, 10 fire damage a second over 10 seconds (Fox Magic: Fox Fire)

Edited by Neodavid62
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fox / cat girls? Obviously this is necessary. Although what I think would go hand in hand would be a "play as a child mod" so you can be a dark brotherhood assassin 12-year-old. Funny I would say, but I believe all outfits and weapons will have to shrink down to make it work? Anyway, this is a different mod all together. Fox girl +1
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