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Skyrim complete crash too desktop - NEEDS FIX.


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EDIT: Added the 4GB Skyrim mod. Absolutely no difference.


Let me make this clear, Skyrim only crashes with mods. It's 100% totally fine without.


Now. I have a few pics taken of my nexus mod manager so people can see how I have it setup or what mod's I have.

I used to have very few mods and it worked perfect without an issue, as I started to get more heavy it got worse. My computer specs are fine, I'm running a high end gaming rig (custom) that I know is able to easily handle this. This is also run on windows 7.


I've been turning off and on mods and testing them to see which one's are causing issues. One like the Skyrim night sky enhance, no more blocky faces, and enhanced blood I know don't cause any issues. The one that in the picture that's turned off causes very heavy crashes (100% of the time).

The rest are very very random and is very hard to determine if that's the problem. I'm starting to think that they just don't work together, not that the mod itself doesn't work.


I say this because I turned a few mods off and only tuned on one to check for a crash. I play for ~30 - ~60 mins, no crash. (please note, I always do the exact same thing, and go to the exact same places to see if it crashes). Turn off game, open manager, turn off mod and turn next one on. Now again, I revert back to a save I created and play the same scenario and go to the same places for another ~30 - ~ 60 mins. No crash. Now I try them together it will sometimes give me a crash 5 mins in and sometimes 45 mins in. This happens with almost any of the texture enhancement mods.


So what do you guys say? Anyone have the same kinda of issues?

If you're curious about my computer specs, they will be at the bottom of this post. I hope to hear from someone soon.



Here they are.










Computer Specs (can max out Crysis 2 dx11 no issues):

i7 950


ATI 5850

SSD main, 1TB black secondary

Windows 7


That's the important stuff.

Edited by iRobsta
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I had something similar to what you had, however, it basically fixed itself once I started to use the 4gb skyrim, which in your case dont work.


what I noticed with me, was when I played with detail settings on High I crashed very frequently. many times while loading and fast traveling. Then I put the detail settings on medium I think I had few crashes after that.

Once I downloaded the 4gb skyrim I was able to play on high again.



I suggest you can try and see if there is any difference between the different detail settings.

You also might want to try to turn on/off a few if not all the enchanted terrain, water and skyrim hd mods to see if those make a difference. I would think they do make a difference since you have so many high res mods.


Edit: try turning off all the high res mods and then play a while and see if you crash as much as before.

Edited by Wolves425
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I have a totally vanilla game, never even opened up my console commands yet, level 54, played it for dozens of hours without a hitch. Then came this patch, now I can't play 5 minutes without it crashing to desktop. Usually during an encounter, it just crashes.
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