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Anyone for a trip to mars?


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Oh also I was thinking about chaning the dead money script. It has a percentage of your hp damaged per a second. In my eyes a high level character should be able to withstand the vacuum longer than a low level pc. Not a order of magnitude longer, but say a normal person dies in 30 seconds a high level pc might last 60 seconds or even 90 if really high level (40+).


I thought we could start with base damage per a second for the first 30 seconds than double that base for seconds 30-60 and switch to percentage damage after 60 seconds. The time time factors are subject to change as soon as I can get my hands on some research showing actual medical effects of vacuum, but I'm just trying to convey the idea for the system here.


Any thoughts?

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Well a brief exposure might be survivable, but I don't know about 90 seconds... then again, with chems and sci-fi madness, (maybe a rebreather/power armor?) the big issue IIRC is radiation that literally fries you and temperature extremes (in the "shade" it's absolute zero eg. as frickn cold as physically possible, in the sun your blood literally boils even without the rads...)
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temperature extremes (in the "shade" it's absolute zero eg. as frickn cold as physically possible, in the sun your blood literally boils even without the rads...)


Yeah the temp difference is crazy, 81f to -225f. The coldest ever recorded in Alaska was -79f, just shy of the arctic circle. I have to research how long hyperthermia would take to set in at those extremes, and what temps would be on Olympus Mons.


But I do plan on making some suits more effective vs some hazards. This post has a little bit of info. Except I won't be adding all of them via formlists as I mentioned in that post but rather enchanments to the suits themsleves for some. We already have rad resistance, I want to add corrosion/toxicity resistance, and FEV resistance. I'm pretty sure there are cold resistance as well that we can add.


Well a brief exposure might be survivable, but I don't know about 90 seconds... then again, with chems and sci-fi madness,


I did a quick search and it looks like it isn't too bad, its the suffocation that kills you. Here is a page taken for NASA's data. Basicly dying after a minute or two. I was under the impression it was more destructive.


But I was just using the 30-90 seconds thing as an example to illustrate the idea of a badas* being able to last longer than a normal human, by an extra 30 or 60 seconds. That's why I was thinking of a two stage process in damage for the script in my post above. Opinions?


(maybe a rebreather/power armor?) the big issue IIRC is radiation that literally fries you and


Yeah, the more advanced suits will definitely have rebreathers (power armor, chinese stealth etc). But when the suit is reduced to 0 health I'll probably still have the same effect (think of it as loosing pressure so the rebreather has no O2 to circulate). Ideally I'd like to have both damage (from the vacuum and cold) and the 02 meter pop up when a suit is automatically unequipped due to damage. I hope to be able to figure out a way to implement the O2 meter without water, but if I can't the altered dead money script is workable.


As far as the rads, the naturally occurring stuff isn't too bad on Mars....if I remember right. Less than you'd get on earth if we didn't have an ozone layer. It's still ionizing but it's ultraviolet A and B, ie sunburn, not an immediate threat. But the red planet also lacks a magnetosphere so nothing to deflect some more energetic particles. I'll try to find out.


What do you think of the O2 bottles? Worthwhile or just repetitive/frustrating since we have the suit game mechanics?

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Also I should add that the suits come into play less during the later part of the mod, since power armor has a health of like 2000. But in the earlier part of adventure it will be the great equalizer...even a 50th level character could be killed if his/her suit's health drops to 0.


It's a good little play mechanic that reinforces the mars setting and makes the mod challenging to even the highest level characters, in a organic, unforced way.

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Hey guys, I think I figured out a better way for dealing with teh vacuum script. I was working a bit on a Trade Run Caravan Mod, specifically on the pack animals and making sure they don't follow you into interiors (IsInInterior). Instead of having activators in the outside world (near the airlocks) to start the choking and damage (unless your wearing a suit on the formlist) like dead money, I think it would be better to add the script to the player with the IsInInterior command. I'm thinking it could be added to the hidden perk "rocketman" that I use for the extra high jumps and slow movement (simulating low grav). If not then I can add it to a token or hidden inventory item like armor.


This way we don't have to have activators scattered everywhere, plus it's much more comprehensive. You wouldn't have to worry about a player having his suit damaged and not choking until he ran into the next activator, or having huge swaths of the short martian runs being activators. I understand that degrades performance.


The only potential problem I see is vacuum damage when the player is in a vehicle (whether the rocket vertibird or the robo-mech), but the IsInInterior function is still returning 0. But I think we can knock that out early with a simple if/else block.


On a related note, do you think the suits are enough, or should we include a oxygen mechanic? Say O2 bottles & oxygen "terminals" scattered about to recharge your air? The whole idea behind the suit is to make it challenging for even very high level characters that can wade through just about any combat. It, of course, fits into the martian narrative perfectly, but it's real purpose is to level the playing field for high and ultra high level characters. Even god like characters become vulnerable in the weaker suits (and have to keep an eye on their suit health for stronger armors).


The O2 mechanic would be a different beast altogether and probably more for the early part of the mod. Partly to drive home the virtual vacuum of the martian atmosphere and reinforce the deadly nature of the red wasteland. I figure late on down the road, rebreathers can be found, and higher level suits (like the power armor, chinese stealth etc) will have built in re-breathers.


What do you guys thing re: the O2 idea?


I think that is a much more elegant solution, more like the ability to sleep only in true interiors in DM than the cloud.


I think the O2 idea fits nicely, gives the inherently deadliness of the environment early and obvious impact. Definitely think rebreathers and the better suits having them built in is great for later too.

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I think that is a much more elegant solution, more like the ability to sleep only in true interiors in DM than the cloud.


I think so too, and will really simplify the process while increasing performance.


I think the O2 idea fits nicely, gives the inherently deadliness of the environment early and obvious impact. Definitely think rebreathers and the better suits having them built in is great for later too.


And it can give us mini-quests for the player and for npc's. So a survivor might need x number of O2 canisters and H2O in return for information the player is seeking.

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Also the vacuum data really makes no sense...as you will suffer from some really nasty side effects going from 2 atmospheres of pressure to 1, why wouldn't 1 atmosphere to 0 pressure be jest as bad if not worse? Though Mar's isn't that extreme as total vacuum but still, it should be bad.


Not that I'm doubting you...it's a question I've asked myself and others many times, I know that having a decompression chamber suddenly drop from 3 atmos to 1 does (often) kill outright, and 2atmos to 1 will cause some serious medical problems (along with sometimes losing your eyes, or at least your sight) .

Edited by greenknightfury
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