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gravedigging mod


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I would be thankful if I could dig a grave for my fallen companion(s) and put flowers on it or a weapon... or make a sacrifice...

I would also be thankful if I could make a funeral pyre for them... or stack the bodies of my enemies and make a huge bonfire...


Thank you, dear modders!

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The landscape is indestructible, so I would be surprised if you could even actively dig a grave. Maybe a cut to a mound of earth with a memento of your choice could be done. Otherwise that's a lot of extra animation.


A pyre would be awesome!

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Why not make a special power mod...The Body lifts up, glowing light comes from with in and after about 3 seconds it has disappeared in a flash of blue light with ghostly flowers floating around that area....?

I know very little of modding, but I suspected that the landscape was indestructible. Why not add an object then? Equipping/using a shovel could add a container to the world such as a burial mound... Smelting animation could be used as a starting point...


As far as the funeral pyre is concerned, I remember a mod from oblivion which enabled you to torch corpses... Vows and covenants, if I remember correctly...

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equip a shovel and user a power that it grants you.. fade the screen to black fade in to their weapon sticking out of the ground and their helm on top if they had one.


Detecting which body you want to do this for may be tough.


As for fire.. I wish they had of implemented it. Burn down a house, and return after a few days and they have started to rebuild.. after a month a new house (fill in the blanks of course)


Definitely should be able to burn corpses.. but fires don't even do damage to the player character.

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