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PS3 LAG/CRASH bloated savegame bug on the pc version?


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Hi guys, I just hit the 150 hours playing time and the 20mb savegame file size, around the same time, I checked prior/earlier savegames and the closest one hasn't hit either of those 2 marks.


NOW whenever I travel 500 m in an exterior cell the game crashes.


I didn't change any landscape textures or .ini settings in the meanwhile.


I had crashes before, but usually after some time of playing, never this frequently.


I'm in Whiterun, I exit the city, and as soon as I reach the bridge on the left after the meadery OR the trees to the right the game ctds.


Is it a coincidence or is there a 20mb/150 hours bug?


Also, I have alredy:


-LAAA patched the game


-not running patch 1.2


-running the latest enb


-set the volume windows option to 44.100 hz 16bit


-And tried the .exe with either +fullproc or without, no change.


I tried playing a bit with an old save like 35 hours in, and I get NO CTDS.


At least an half an hour roaming around.


Also, If I load savegame 145ish hours in I don't get the "ctd everytime the game loads a new exterior cell" bug.

I believe the game starts to lag and ctd on PS3 when the save file reaches 10-11mb.


It is possible the same happens on xbox and pc when it approaches 20-21 mb?


In fact I remember the first 60 hours of playthrough being smooth as silk with zero ctds. And very good framerate and loading times.


After that it started going downhill. I blamed the mods/ini tweaks.



I realise that most of you don't have this problem and I could be the exception.

I just want to shed some light on the issue since now I can't play anymore... so...

What do you think?





Thanks in advance.

Edited by AurelioMagherelli
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With a new playthrough after 15 hours I have been having no issues whatsoever.

Zero Ctds.

I think, if we assume my savefile was indeed affected by the bug, it was due to having explored almost 90% of the world map at really low levels, without doing much questing either. So 60 or so hours later I started ctding badly.

Then at 20 mb savefile size the exterior cell/ctd ratio got to 1:1.

Edited by AurelioMagherelli
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