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Can't get rid of vampirism, HELP!


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Hello guys,


Today I continued playing Skyrim ... I loaded my latest savegame where I already was a stage 3 vampire, but I fed on some people and did the quest for the cure. After saying that the quest is complete(I even have it in my quest completation list), the vampirism is still there. I still have the basic vampire powers and I still can't regenerate on the sunlight. So I thought that this is a minor bug. So I have heard that becoming a werewolf will solve the vampirism problem too. I did all the quests for the Companions and I became a werewolf(I have the beast form), everything is working for me just fine with the werewolf, but I'm still a f***ing VAMPIRE! I still can't regenerate on the sun and I still have the basic powers of a vampire, but I can't feed on people and my vampirism stage doesn't rise. Please someone help me! I really want to play this game more, but I can't like this!


Thanks, Tutanchamon.

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Or without using the console:



Join the companions wich turn you into a werewolf and it also cures your vampirism, also unlike vampirism you can change to werewolf at will...wich means you never have to change at all but can benefit from the imunity to any disease.


Edited by pavy
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If you are on the PC, try this command


player.removespell 000b8780


The player.removespell command is able to remove diseases from your player, because diseases are classified as passive spells. 000b8780 is the ID for the Sanguinare Vampiris disease that progresses to Vampirism and is what initially lowers your health and induces the abhorrence to sunlight.

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Or without using the console:



Join the companions wich turn you into a werewolf and it also cures your vampirism, also unlike vampirism you can change to werewolf at will...wich means you never have to change at all but can benefit from the imunity to any desease.



He's already tried this...


Did you read the OP?

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Yeah that could be it, which in his case would really suck. He would have to manually remove it via the console, and I'm not sure if it would work because he should be cured of the disease and thus no longer have the disease in his spell list.


I suppose he could always negate the effects via console, and then maybe he could set his regeneration back up to 100% with the player.forceav (HealRate;MagickaRate;StaminaRate) though that could be game breaking, because then your health/magicka/stamina would always regenerate at that speed, no matter if you are in battle or not (which isn't really a bad thing, because the magicka in battle 33% cap is ridiculous)

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